Binghamton Chances

Can someone chance me for Binghamton. I would like to major in computer science and I applied early action.I hear that a lot of qualified students get deferred from Bing. If Binghamton seems like a reach,what other schools do I have a good chance for?
AP:Computer Science(4) APUSH(4)
Senior Year Schedule:All APs and college level courses
ECs:4 clubs and a summer job,but nothing significant

You would be fit if the math of new SAT is way above 700


I think your SAT is pretty high up there and there’s a good chance you’d get accepted to Watson. From looking at the 2021 Decisions Thread, people with 1450+ on the SAT were one of the first people accepted. Like you, I have about 4 clubs and a job, but nothing outstanding. Though, Bing values GPA and standardized test scores over anything else and you seem to fit the bill. A 1470 is an incredible score compared to my 1410 (I’m applying to SOM).

Yes, you should get into the CS program at binghamton. If you are dead set on CS stony brook actually has a better program and more generous scholarships but some people prefer the environment of bing over it. I would also apply to RIT. It is a private school but their computer science program is really well regarded and they may give you merit aid based on your scores. RPI is another option as well.