Binghamton choosing International athletes over New Yorkers again?

Just heard that Binghamton signed a bunch of athletes from other countries. What, are US athletes not good enough for this mid-sized public institution supported by NY tax payers?

Based on this reasoning, I guess you would not be happy about athletes from states other than NY attending Binghamton either.

Why are you coming here with your complaint? If you live in NY, contact your State legislators. If you have done that, tell us what they told you. If you haven’t, then let us know what they say after you make your calls.


Well duh. Why should they pick US athletes who are subpar just because they are American?

And if you don’t know they have scholarships, they might be paying full freight for the “privilege” of going to a US university.

It’s about values.

Values=NY State taxpayers support Binghamton, so Binghamton athletes should be children of NY taxpayers

Then I guess no kids from Vermont in the orchestra. No kids from PA on the debate team. If you are from NY but your family is too poor to pay a lot of State taxes, sorry about that 4.4 sec. forty yard dash that you run, we can find a slow kid whose parents are rich and have paid lots of State taxes to support Binghamton instead!

(What happens when out-of-state athletes start paying State sales tax when they come to Binghamton, does that then qualify them to participate?)

As I suggested before, I really think you should call your State legislators about this…if you are even from NY.

Nope. That may be your value fenwaypark but don’t be so presumptuous as to suggest it is mine. Not sure if that is what you were doing but in the event you were, you are off track. While suggestions about what I should do is your right to make, consider that you have no idea what steps I’ve taken already. For all you know, done that. Like many people, I exist outside the confines of CC during 99.9% of the time. I try to impact in a positive way on many different levels. I assure you that my efforts on CC represent a minuscule effort relative to my efforts outside the electronic world, much less CC!

I think you need some space now, and I will give it to you.

Just one thing to get straight before I do.

You said, “Just heard that Binghamton signed a bunch of athletes from other countries. What, are US athletes not good enough for this mid-sized public institution supported by NY tax payers?”

While I believe qualified youngsters whose parents are not NY taxpayers have a place in Binghamton classrooms, athletic venues, music halls and theaters.

Space? Not sure what you are talking about. You certainly have a right to your opinion… Athletes in other countries often don’t have to attend academic classes or be home schooled. Some countries provide their athletes with training and don’t require any academics or very little (they often don’t graduate from US colleges either but they take spots for a while on athletic teams). Seems a shame to require our kids to learn-home schooled or in classrooms- even if they are athletic and then have the colleges fetch the foreigners for their teams. I think that is just wrong. I’m sure you would like to see some US residents get spots in classrooms, athletic venues, music halls and theaters. Maybe not.