Binghamton Engineering

How strong is the Engineering program at Binghamton? I was recently accepted and I am considering going there instead of somewhere like RPI because of the huge price difference. Is it worth to pay almost $40,000 more to attend a more prestigious college?

Bing has a number of ABET accredited programs. Those would be fine. Companies don’t pay RPI engineers more than those from any other school. However, if your family can afford the cost difference easily and you are a better fit for RPI then it would be worth it to consider. If that’s $40K/year then hands down Bing IMO.

@“Erin’s Dad” What does it mean for a program to be ABET accredited?

I also got into Binghamton engineering, and Rutgers and Delaware engineering schools. I live in NJ. I got a merit scholarship to Delaware, so Binghamton and Delaware cost about the same. Any suggestions which of the three have the best engineering school? I liked Binghamton better the Rutgers, but Delaware also has a great campus.

Easily answerable with any search engine :wink:

Delaware has an excellent Chem E program (aligned with DuPont). Not sure about other programs there.

$40k more per year, right?

RPI is a very good univ, but I wouldn’t call it “prestigious.” Most people have never heard of it (much less can spell it…lol).

RPI would not be worth $40k more per year unless your parents are wealthy and won’t miss the money.

What are your parents saying about paying $40k more per year? Can they easily afford that?

How much will they spend each year? Have you asked them?

I don’t think RPI is more "prestigious than Binghamton or Delaware - certainly not worth that much extra money for most people. Agree about Delaware being very strong for ChemE, for anything else I’d go with the school/atmosphere you prefer between Binghamton and Delaware.

It’s possible to drive from Florida to Washington State without going through a state with a school with higher student standardized scores than Rensselaer. Along the same lines, RPI has higher scores than any public university in California. Irrespective of prestige, this should at a minimum make it a college of note for anyone with an interest in higher education.

RPI is also almost 70% guys, so if you care about that sort of thing it’s probably not the best option for you.