Binghamton Regular Decision

I applied to Binghamton thru Common App regular decision and some of my friends have gotten their admissions results. When should I be expecting mine?

fyi I submitted my application on 12/3/16

You should expect your decision on February 22nd.

What were your stats

I’m being considered for the School of Management RD, still haven’t heard anything back.
1420 SAT, 32 ACT, 91% overall average.

@itsajoke why do you say February 22nd?

There is an expression. Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer.

How the heck does anyone on this forum know when someone should expect to receive a reply? The answer is - between tomorrow and whenever the cutoff is in April.

This forum has the potential to be really helpful and informative. But there are two common questions that are really silly: (1) when I will receive my decision and (2) what are my chances. When people ask about their chances, I give them a percentage. When they ask about response dates, I give them a date. Isn’t that what they are asking? I am answering the question.

February 22 is a silly response to the question. That said, it is quite plausible it is close to correct.

February 29

Took me 100 words and you nailed it better in just two. Well done.

Im applying to Bing’s School of Management RD. SAT 1340, 29 ACT, GPA 94% Overall Average.