Binghamton University snobby?

Hi all, I’ve heard a lot about Binghamton, and one thing I’ve heard is that the kids are stuck up and snobby. I have no idea if this is true and would like some opinions before I commit. Thank you!

I’ve never seen that at all. In my experience, the students are really friendly, helpful, into community service / campus involvement, motivated, etc. HOWEVER. What I can think of is that there are a lot of Long Island kids. Depending on where you’re from, we do have a reputation for things like wearing designer clothes, attending expensive summer camps, family vacations … I mean, that is what it is but it’s honestly been my experience that the student body is great and welcoming.

Well, it is a public university in the northeast, so the assumption isn’t terribly off-base. I was in a group chat for Bing applicants shortly before I heard back, and I can say that the students I encountered were more than a bit conceited/self-righteous, so whoever told you that is most likely not incorrect. My high school classmate who attends Binghamton, however, is most certainly not a stuck-up snob.

Binghamton attracts a lot of students from Long Island and surrounding area suburbs. Many of these students wear designer clothes, drive expensive cars, attend pricey camps, etc. Some appear to be “snobby,” while others do not. I think you will find plenty of nice students there. It is my observation that this type of student is not uncommon at some other northeast schools as well- it is not unique to Binghamton.

I’m afraid I’m not following, @Lbad96. Are you saying northeasterners as a whole are stuck up and snobbish? A few students you met through social media were “conceited (and) self-rightous,” so you’re ready to paint the student population of the entire NE with the same broad brush based on contact with those few people? That’s a little extreme.

Like virtually every college there will be a mix of kids. Seek out people you enjoy being with when you get on campus and you will be fine.

I know students at Binghamton who have new BMWs and carry expensive bags. I also know students who hold down jobs to help pay their college costs. My daughter has a classmate who wanted to attend Binghamton in the worst way but could not afford it. At the last minute the finances worked out and he is now a happy freshman- yay!! I am so excited for him! If you attend Binghamton you will have no problem finding a group of friends that you feel comfortable with. There is a mix at every school.

@austinmshauri I said it wasn’t terribly off-base. What I meant is that it’s certainly not everyone - even based on my experience growing up in one of the Top 10 snobbiest NJ towns, that would be more than not only a bit extreme, but also ridiculous and even irrational/unreasonable. But from my interactions with people from a few Northeast publics (Bing and UMass, as well as Rutgers despite not having applied there), I feel I can reasonably say that there are a decent percentage of students who do unfortunately fit the stereotype of Northern snobbery.