Bio & Chem as a Freshman?

Hi. I will be starting high school in a few months, and was wondering if it would be at all feasible to take both biology and chemistry during my freshman year. I’m not even sure that my school would allow it, because only about 60 students out of 300-400 are going to be allowed to take bio in the ninth grade (most will retake physical science), let alone chem. However, if I were to somehow find a way to take both, would it be a terrible idea? I only ask because I have a genuine interest in both subjects, and would love to be able to understand some more basic chemistry when I read studies on genetics/molecular biology, which I often do. Thanks for any answers!

It’s definitely possible, and with your science interest, I’m pretty sure you would be able to. If your school won’t let you, it won’t hurt much but I would give it a shot.

The content doesn’t overlap so I don’t see why not. There is a lot of homework in chem though, so beware. (at least in my class there was)

I would totally advise it! I absolutely love science and I would have loved to have taken bio and chem simultaneously my freshman year!
bio is a lot of reading typically, and chem just has some challenging concepts. I think it will be manageable (:

Thanks for the replies. I haven’t met with my counselor yet (we just requested our electives via a form that we turned in), but when I do (which hopefully will be before school starts), I think I’ll ask her if I could take chem in place of one of my two electives. I’ve heard that the freshman counselor at my school is rather strict, and the principal made this being deal about not loading up on difficult classes Freshman year, but I’ve never actually met her, so that could be totally off.