Biochem. or Biological chem.?

<p>I’m looking to take a biochemistry class. Does anyone recommend biochemistry in the chem. department over biological chemistry in the bio department or vice versa? I am a biology major and am taking this class to fulfill a biochemistry requirement for a graduate program.</p>

<p>Dear NRG21B : Boston College’s chemistry department is one of the most respected disciplines on campus and nationally - particularly in the organic disciplines. If you can still adjust your schedule, Biochemistry through the Chemistry department will typically prove to be a more challenging curriculum and you will certainly learn a tremendous amount on the subject. Note that Biology is general is highly competitive (pre-Med School grades being what they are), so you might find a slightly different collaborative vibe in the Biology offering than the Chemistry offering. (Since you are a Biology Major, this might have already factored into your thinking.)</p>

<p>Thanks for the advice scottj. I appreciate it.</p>

<p>The ver from the Bio department is sans lab, so you might look at a few grad sites to see if the prefer/require the lab-based ver.</p>