Biological Sciences - which UC campus?


<p>I would be interested about your opinion, as to which UC campus to chose (!)for the following mixture of biological sciences modules: molecular genetics/developmental biology/cell biology(!). This would be an undergraduate course, and academic strength is the thing I am interested in the most. I don’t mind the weather, social life, how clean the campus is, accommodation or anything of that sort. Until recently, I have been pretty sure that Berkeley is the place to be, but I’ve seen some statistics which list other campuses as better options, and I got a little bit confused.</p>

<p>Thank you very much in advance!</p>

<p>I would generally recommend not choosing your college based on a specific major. You pretty much can't go wrong with UCB, UCLA, UCSD, UCD, UCI, and UCSB for Bio sciences. </p>

<p>Davis probably focuses it more on an agricultural approach? UCSD is for Bio-engineering. You should just research yourself and see what appeals to you.</p>

<p>Personally I'm very impressed with bio sciences here at UCSD being impacted and all while giving me the upper-hand for premed. My biased opinion being a current student.</p>

<p>Actually Davis has a very good biology department with a specific major in genetics.
Molecular/cellular is tops at Cal, UCLA and UCSD. You really can't go wrong with UCI or UCSB either so your in luck.</p>

<p>I read a few of your other posts - you are an International student who has never visited the US who plans to attend a UC on a one-year study abroad program. I understand that your major concern is the quality of the program, but you are in a wonderful position. The UCs you are considering are ALL so good in the area you would like to study that you have the luxury of considering what kind of out-of-school experience you will have as well.</p>

<p>Berkeley: Northern California is SO different than Southern California in weather AND attitude! San Francisco - one of the world's great cities - is minutes away on BART.</p>

<p>UCLA: Laid-back LA is at your doorstep. Sunny and warm year-round.</p>

<p>UCD: Rural California most people have no idea exists.</p>

<p>UCSD: Perfect weather, perfect beaches.</p>

<p>UCLA, UCSD, UCD and UCI all have medical schools. Great choices for your area of interest.</p>

<p>If one of your concerns is the recognition the school would have in your home country, Cal is our most internationally-known UC and would probably garner the most respect (even if the programs at other campuses might deserve similar respect!).</p>

<p>It is a great "problem" to have - you can't go wrong!</p>

<p>Thank you very much for the responses! I believe my top choice will stay UCB.</p>

<p>Cal > UCLA > UCSD > UCD > UCI, UCSB > ....
There are myths out their that UCLA or UCSD are great places for biology, but just because a UC has a great medical school doesn't make it all that good at biology in general.</p>

<p>Both UCLA and Ucsd are great schools for biology. I know more about UCSD so...</p>

<p>1) UCSD recieves the 3rd most NIH funding for research. (1st is UCSF which doesn't have an undergraduate program and 2nd is UCLA). UCSD received $319 million in NIH funds. To put that amount in perspective #2 UCLA recieved $366 million and #4 UCD recieved $162 million. There are tons of undergraduate research opportunities at UCSD . I am doing an 8 unit research project at the medical school for the next two quarters, and they have already offered me a paid job in the summer. <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>2) I am a biology major, which is excellent at UCSD. In fact it is the most popular major at UCSD, 19% of students are biology majors. I believe we have 8 different biology majors. At UCLA biology majors make up only 5%. At UCLA the most popular major is Poly Sci (7%). University</a> of California--Los Angeles - Best Colleges - Education - US News and World Report</p>

<p>3) UCSD is located in La Jolla, within walking distance of the beach. A great campus. Besides the beach it is surrounded by world class research institutions that are affiliated with UCSD (Salk Institute, The Scripps Research Institute, Scripps Institute of Oceanography, The Burnham Institute). It also has 2 hospitals adjacent to the campus (Scripps Memorial & the VA hospital), a hospital on campus (UCSD Thornton Hospital) and another up the street (scripps green). All of these places offer employment, internships, and volunteer opportunities to students. Great if your pre-med or want to go to a biomedical graduate school.</p>

<p>4) The 6 college system offers an opportunity to select the best GE courses to fit your interests. The 6 college system does not mean that you are segregated from the students in other colleges or you have to take all your classes at that college. Its good enough for Oxford and Cambridge.</p>