Biology/Chemistry?Biochemistry with no background??!!

Hi all, could use some advice. So it took me way longer than it should have to figure out what I think I want to do in life.
Firstly, I have a big passion for bodybuilding and fitness and am a people person so of course…personal trainer!! Well I’ve been at it for a few years and am god at what I do, but for some odd reason I do not feel like it’s what I want to be doing. I am willing to cut my workload in half to go to college. Where I live PT doesn’t exactly make the kind of living to raise a family either(wife, 15 month old daughter)

Now in HS, I did not care one iota about anatomy/biology/chemistry but NOW 6 years later I am absolutely a science freak, albeit a self educated one and am the type of person that NEEDS hands on work. I am so interested in how the body works/supplements/drugs(as in androgens,peptides,weight loss,stimulants, etc don’t judge lol) I feel like I would love to work in research that could blend a few of these things together. So my questions are:

  1. Is it a bad idea to start as a hard science major? Things like Chem and Biochem I would be at a low level of knowledge(academia wise)
  2. What kind of work is there for someone with these specific interests, if at all?

Thank you for any and all ideas!!


I’d say that the majors you propose will be hard to find good-paying employment with just a bachelors degree. For professional level employment (that is, not a lab tech) you will need a masters or doctoral degree.

In the applied sciences, I think you should be looking at physical therapy (sports medicine, maybe) or perhaps nursing.

My cousin is pulling in 50k a year as a lab tech at our local hospital with an Associates. She has furthered her certifications since then but anyway, do you know if there is a research option for lab techs? I’m willing to move as well for jobs once I get the schooling.

There are jobs, but not careers. A friend of mine with a bio degree got a 60k job fresh after graduation at a pharmaceutical company. But without a higher degree, you can’t advance very far.