Biomedical Engineering and marching band...?

My ultimate goal is to go to med school and become a doctor, but I also like to major in something that is not chemistry or biology. Therefore, biomedical engineering has caught my attention in the past few weeks, but I don’t really know how much time it truly takes up. One activity I really want to participate in is the marching band that meets practically every day in the football season for two hours a day (all day on game days). That being said, would I even have time to participate in the marching band? If I do, how much additional free time would I have where I could relax, hang out with friends, and do non-academic activities? Any information is greatly appreciated.

Both BME and the band require a lot of commitment at Wisconsin. If band is something you truly are passionate about I wouldn’t want to discourage you, but if your end goal is medical school you might want to just focus on nailing your classes. The general consensus is that medical schools care about your grades, MCAT, research experience, and volunteering … in that order. There are other music classes and bands you can get involved with that are less of a time commitment.

Go for it. Your freshman schedule can be the same regardless of your STEM major. Try out for marching band and see if you make it. You may find out after the initial practices that it is too physically grueling for your tastes. I have seen articles about the practices- physically demanding, not like in HS. If you do join it you will find a social life, friends et al. You may discover that a music class/group for nonmajors is more your style.

Physician here. You are more than just your academic record You are a multifaceted person. By all means do not limit yourself to classes and/or activities you think will help for medical school. College is the time to take all sorts of courses you won’t have time for later. I knew local physicians that formed a group that performed.