Black Girls Be Warned

<p>The local black men and boys will hit on you and maybe even follow you. And I mean all of them. The black male students probably arent that way though.</p>

<p>Um. no not even going to fully respond.</p>

<p>I know that Wisconsin is not famous for being very multiracial, so I wonder whetehr that might be an explanation for it</p>

<p>The poster doesn't articulate any explination outside leaving me to believe she had a problem with a black male Madison resident. In which case I say don't travel alone at night and I've never had a problem nor have my female friends.</p>

<p>Also yes, UW isn't very... diverse, its got a lot of white people.</p>

<p>Just to make sure I'm not missunderstood, I don't mean that being a white university is necessarily bad.</p>

I was very upset when I wrote this. When I went up there to visit every black man we passed up there except for the ones with a girlfriend with them yelled something out to me and my mother (who I was walking with the whole time) like "Ouch" or "Why dont you take me home?" or looking at me like I was wearing some slutty outfit or something.</p>

<p>And when we ignored it, the guys said "whats wrong cant talk" and followed us a few blocks.</p>

<p>This wasnt just at night or on state st. It was during the middle of the day as well.</p>

<p>It sounds funny but when 40, 50 year old men were yelling at me especially in a crowd of people, making it very obvious, it just left me feeling disgusted and degraded and embarrassed because as you aid before there aren't a lot of black people in Madison and having them there as representatives just makes me ill.</p>

<p>But I'm sure, only the locals are like that. It may just have been because it was summer and so the few blacks that were there had gone (I only saw three other blacks at the campus while there for three days) and the men were more desperate (even so thats no way to talk to anyone).</p>

<p>"But I'm sure, only the locals are like that. It may just have been because it was summer and so the few blacks that were there had gone (I only saw three other blacks at the campus while there for three days) and the men were more desperate (even so thats no way to talk to anyone)."</p>

<p>Despite that being inappropriate and not a way to talk to a lady... I can't help but feel the slight racist undertones in your message.</p>

<p>Having a bad experience with a person of a certain race does not make one a racist. I have noticed that in many cases black guys are generally more bold and daring when it comes to hitting on girls.</p>

<p>I didn't mean to sound racist. Trust me, I know most black men are not like that. But in Madison...</p>

<p>I even watched to see if they said anything to girls of other races. They didnt make a peep until we passed them.</p>

<p>I'm not going to respond to this thread any further. My point has already been made.</p>

<p>Speaking of black girls, does anyone know where I can get my hair done in wisc? I heard there are only two places to go and they charge an insane amount for mediocore results.</p>

<p>Those men may have harrassed you and not other people mainly because you are new to town. When I first got here State Street guys followed me and shouted at me all the time (and I'm white), but now that I've been here a few years I think I've developed an automatic reflex of realizing which guys are going to bother me from a distance and giving them the evil stare before they get a chance to say anything. I haven't had a real problem with harrassment in years. It's also much more of a problem in very specific areas (State, Langdon, Frances Streets), while the rest of the community is fine. Don't be scared off by a few jerks. If you let them see that it bothers you, they'll keep doing it.</p>