Blackburn Institute and Other Programs to Get Involved In


I am currently a freshman at UA - I’m loving it! It’s now course registration time for next semester, and this has me thinking about some programs to potentially look into for the future. Currently, I am part of the Honors College, Blount, and Emerging Scholars, but my biggest regret regarding UA is not considering UFE or CBH close enough - I simply wasn’t planning on attending the University of Alabama. This is some advice for any potential attendees: research UFE, CBH (now RRSP), Emerging Scholars, Blount, and whatever else, and apply if you’re interested. If you don’t end up coming to UA, nothing hurt, but if you do, then you’ll have no regrets.

Now, I’d really like to learn more about other offered programs or opportunities available for the coming years. I’m having some trouble finding more information, though. I know that there are some chances for research, and I’m enjoying the Honors College and Blount, but are there any more programs that I could maybe look into? I have heard a little about The Blackburn Institute - definitely interesting! Even after perusing the website, however, I’m still not quite clear on the details or nomination process. Does anyone have any experience with Blackburn or anything else? One thing I will say is that I was disappointed upon reading about the disbandment of the International Honors Program, as that was something I would’ve applied for without a doubt.

I’m majoring in anthropology, though I’ll probably try to add another major (maybe economics or political science), but I really have a very wide range of interests in both the social sciences and elsewhere. And I certainly want it to be clear that I’m not just looking to pad my involvement. I just want to make the most out of my time here and not overlook any cool experiences like I had before!


Also of note for anyone considering the Honors College and UA: do one of the Action programs! They’re a great way to meet people, explore the campus, and adjust to college life. One of the best decisions thus far. Just some more advice!

Hi UniversalAdvice. I’m glad to see that you have made a post about some of your experiences so far at UA. I made a post in the same vein about CBH/RRS. I am a freshman in the program. If you would ever like to have lunch or have any questions, please PM me.