Bloomberg: Biggest losers of AI boom are knowledge workers, McKinsey says


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If AI can rid us of McKinsey, that will be good enough.

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AI’s always been overhyped. What I’m seeing in the latest advances are improved statistical algorithms and lots more data to train on, but nothing I would consider a revolutionary new approach to AI. It’s still very capable of producing garbage output, and scaling the new AI systems down to specific applications doesn’t always seem that easy. It’ll probably help a lot in medical diagnoses or retrieving relevant law cases, but I can’t see it being much more useful when it comes to something like new customer chat applications, except that the new chat programs can give you the same useless answers in a more conversational tone.

Ever since I got my CS degree in 1983, I’ve heard all kinds of reasons that computer programmers and software developers are doomed, yet those jobs only increased. AI doesn’t really write code, although it does do a better job at going out and finding template code that developers can use than current search systems do. I expect that there will be plenty of new software and non-software jobs in an attempt to develop endless AI applications.


Sidebar- do you look like your AI version of your state (via european perspective)? Here's What Europeans Think Americans From Every State Look Like