Boarding school COVID discussion 2022

If you really want to participate in the general CC COVID discussion, you need to go to the main Parent Cafe and catch up on the Inside Medicine…COVID 19 Medical News and Vaccine Reluctance threads. There have been several back-and-forths there regarding the definition of “mild” COVID. Clinically, it appears that “mild” means “does not require hospitalization,” which can include the very rough illness that @one1ofeach referenced.

From the NIH:

Some don’t consider nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea “mild” for any illness, but as long as hospitalization is not required, these symptoms do not meet the clinical definition of severe COVID. It is correct, though, that most BS students who contract Omicron will experience “mild” COVID, though the range of symptoms may vary.

I think it was a good idea to separate this conversation from Miscellaneous Ramblings to keep focused here on how COVID is being handled at the various schools.

(Now I can go back to MR and talk about why I’m glad the holidays over as I didn’t get a pony again this Christmas.)

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