@CaliMex I have to disagree with you a teeny tiny bit here…I believe that swimming is a sport in which one gets to know their teammates on a level that is much more personal than many other sports. As a current swimmer, I owe it all to swimming for building my EQ and my collaboration skills. As my friend thoughtfully put, “When you are suffering, half-naked, with 50 other people that you don’t know that well on a daily basis for almost two hours per day, you either build an unbreakable bond with those people, or you don’t make any friends at all, because you are obviously incapable at social interactions.” You learn to bond with people you’ve never met before and it is my belief that you naturally collaborate better with those whom you have a close bond with. While I do agree that some other sports may develop collaboration better, two sports is already a very big commitment and if she is successful at squash and swimming, it will be more than enough to send her into some boarding schools. I do completely agree with you on the music standpoint, however. I would recommend a lesser played instrument, such as an oboe or a bassoon. Those are very challenging instruments, mechanics-wise, so unless she has played some other instrument, those may not be the best fit. I would recommend flutes, clarinets, or pianos to beginners or a stringed instrument if she would like a challenge. Just keep in mind, the more popular an instrument seems, the harder it is to get a scholarship or such.
Back to the OP’s original question, however, I must ask as a semi-recruited swimmer for PEA, how successful is your daughter at swimming and squash? I was top 50 in the nation in 3-4 events and Coach Mills (Exeter Boys V Swim coach) took notice of me and by the sound of it, recommended me to the admissions office heavily. If you would like tips for becoming faster at swim, PM me, but I would like to suggest for you to look at the NEPSSA results. This is essentially the pinnacle of BS swimming, and looking at which times she may be able to improve in order to make A-finals should help your decision. Just search up “NEPSSA results” and click the first link, if you’re using Google.
I would also recommend for her to start reading both classics (Great Gatsby, Count of Monte Cristo, Hunchback of Notre Dame), and plays and poems like Shakespeare’s plays and sonnets, Walt Whitman, Edgar Allen Poe, etc. This is not only to help make her life easier when she gets to prep school, but it will help her ace the SSAT’s as well. Speaking of the SSATs, I would strongly recommend taking the Middle-Level SSAT for practice, depending on your financial situation.
Lastly, at the end of this loooong essay type response :)), I would recommend for her to a) communicate with her 8th-grade teachers already because they’re the ones writing your recommendations and b) volunteer at as many places as you can in her free time. Both Exeter and Andover have the motto “Non-Sibi”, which means not for self. If she can confidnetly demonstrate this behavior, it will give her an edge on many other applicants.