<p>Also I had to make sure myself and my roommate and petko and his roommate will still be in 2 man rooms next semester. I think this might just be the only time it's beneficial to volunteer for a job :)</p>
<p>(my roommate and I volunteered to make the rooming list for next semester. I'm taking bribes, BTW; I accept cash, visa, mastercard, and pay pal.)</p>
<p>It's not that I'm scared of running in the dark. It's just that i'm scared of getting hurt and I don't feel safe. These neighboorhoods are really bad, but I won't use that as an excuse. i'll just have to find some way. And I would love to be a PJ, but I want to fly more than anything.</p>
<p>AFPJ, I remember months and months ago that you came on here asking for advice for getting in shape. It looks like you have made zero progress in your endeavor. How many quality pushups/situps can you do? How about pullups? Those exercises are just part of the MINIMUM that are expected of you for the PFT on a semesterly basis. That doesn't even touch what basic or training sessions during the academic year have to offer. You really have an unfathomable amount of work to do before you can even think of showing up here in June. Otherwise, you'll be "that guy" bringing everyone else down. You don't want that.</p>
<p>I know, I feel so overwhelmed. I have so much work to do. My grades are not stellar, SAT scores are low. So many people tell me I’m not going to make it. People at school, friends, and even my parents….There’s no one that believes I’ll actually make it. Its’ not like I don’t ask for help. I ask all my friends if they will run with me, they either live too far or don’t want to. I even volunteered to go to their neighborhood so they could run with me; it’s only like a 45 min train ride. But no, I even asked many physical education teachers at my school, but no, they don’t get paid to do that kind of stuff. I can’t do this alone. I can’t give up. I feel so isolated among my honors and AP class friends. They wonder why I’m not competing to go to Columbia or NYU. I have to fight to get their attention while doing a lab in AP chemistry. I have to fight to try to get their attention, fight to include me part in the discussion, fight understand what they do so easily. Most times, I’m sitting in the classroom and I feel like the most ignorant person there. I won’t give up though, I can’t and I won’t. I can do better than my peers, even though they probably cheated to get where they are. I don’t want to go anywhere but the academy, any of the three service academies would be awesome. I have to go back to studying. Thanks for the support.</p>
<p>Doing pushups, situps, pullups, and running don't require other people's permission or assistance. You could do pushups and situps right NOW in your room on the floor. You need to find a bar for pullups, but again, not a monumental task. Running? You can do that just about anywhere too. If you do't feel safe in your neighborhood, go somewhere else. Go use your school's track. </p>
<p>Seriously, stop making excuses. The hard work a person puts in and everything he/she does in order to get accepted is merely a prerequisite to be allowed to enter. And don't think it gets easier once you get there. The truth of the matter is that there won't always be someone there praising you and holding your hand the whole way. Sure, if you are a good team player, you will bond with your classates, but they will not carry you. This means you need to carry your own weight, which you are not doing yet. If not now, when?</p>
<p>Here's a simple rule of thumb I used it at the academy to qualify for airborne (I threw shot, javelin, discus but never could do a lot of push ups for some stupid reason).</p>
<p>EVERY time I walked into my room at the zoo, I dropped for push ups; as many as I could do. That meant EVERY time I came into my room. I would do several hundred per day and my arms got VERY tired of it.</p>
<p>However...in short order I went from 35 or so to over 60 with no effort.</p>
<p>Crunches...use the same philosophy: drop every time you finish the situps and do crunches; as many as you can. </p>
<p>These TWO simple exercises are SUPERB fitness workers for your body.</p>
<p>BUT...you must find a way to motivate yourself to get this done!</p>
<p>something i have discovered at the academy recently is the crossfit club. it's what a lot of STO/CRO & PJ hopefulls are in, as well as reconditioning cadets, and other "cadet trainers" (abs and aerobics class instructors). the great thing about it is that a lot of the excerises are done indoors with little or no facilities required; they are also very interesting and not "traditional" -- offering a unique workout each day to keep one interested.</p>
<p>one of the excersises is "burpees", it requires the same amount of space as doing a pushup would, it's a great cardio AND leg workout, but most importantly, it burns fat REALLY WELL. i think it might help you out a lot, so check out what a "burpee" is and what crossfit is at crossfit.com. please PM me if you have any questions about it, i would love to help you out :).</p>
<p>My s. had to loose thirty lbs after football last winter to make the weigh in for his height... he had 6 weeks to do it... ATKINS BABY!! He stayed on the induction phase for the whole 6 weeks...blech!</p>