Boeing Rankings

<p>So if someone is hired for the purpose of “diversity”, does that mean their career ladder is short before they even begin to start working? I know someone at my school who was actually called by a recruiter from Raytheon for a summer position( they found his resume in some “diversity” database). I dont know if this is exactly fair to those who are applying left and right and being denied for the same opportunities.</p>

<p>And, aside from companies doing this sort of thing, colleges are already doing this with regards to High Schools and acceptances from those schools. I understand we are talking about employment, but is it so shocking to hear that companies might be doing something like this when colleges are already looking at data with regards to current students, their High schools and ultimately who they will admit based on those current college students or graduates for that matter? Not surprising at all…</p>

<p>To #21…</p>

<p>No, the push for “diversity” and promotion of less-qualified individuals continues well beyond just bringing in minority new hires in many Fortune 500 companies.</p>