<p>I just watched a documentary this morning on boomerang kids. It made me furious. For almost an hour, I heard pundits and experts dance so carefully, so politically correctly, around the issues - without ever breathing a word about the real truth.
Two things: po' folks don't have boomerangs. Those kids (and there are many) know that their only hope in hell for a decent chance at survival as young adults is to get out there and kick the can until it coughs up the cost of "living." Period.
Second thing: The Boomer generation inherited, in the 1960's and 1970's - a relatively (still) healthy economy, in which they did much the same as their parents had done before them. They were raised to treasure independence above all else, and at all cost - and were rewarded for their efforts and hard work - by independence. (Also known as, um....freedom.)
Oops. Seems everyone in that documentary forgot (or never knew) the obvious truth. The boomer generation applied themselves and gathered up some wealth - in the normal way, under relatively normal conditions, by becoming educated and acquiring gainful employment that was both substantial and sustainable! (imagine that.)
This is no longer the case. Let me repeat that. This is no longer the case.
Living wage jobs sustainable in the long term (upon which to build an idependent existence) seem to have vanished like Wall Street pension investments.
The outcome?
Boomer kids, yuppie puppies, ricocheting off the walls and out of the Hallowed Halls and straight back into the nest....are doing only what comes natural: appropriating some of that wealth acquired a generation before - that no longer exists for the new generation come of age. Why? Because they're lazy babies? (some are - indeed.) Most......aren't.
So what gives?
The point I'm about to arrive at. </p>
<p>That wealth that should be there for a new generation to tap into, and work hard for....has shrunk (some call it a ...........recession?) Ha!
Check out the income gains of the top 1%, then the next 9%....you'll get the picture.
We've educated ourselves to death...for what? Debt, that's what. The returns?
(psst. big lie.......there never was enough to go around.)
Sit back and watch 15 million contestants compete for a half-million prizes. There are...a lot of losers. Las Vegas has more winners, folks. Welcome to the perfect casino.
Perfect, if you own it. Not so good if you don't.
Boomerangs don't need to drop in at the good old homestead.
They need to visit their nation's Capitol, en masse, in legions, armed to the teeth with the truth. Come on kids. You can do it. Rock the free world. It's past time.</p>