Boston College RD 2022 Thread

Current state: :-w

the email has an attachment which contains the decision letter

@heretoparty98 For EA they attached a pdf letter in the email that said the decision

had to get my computer charger I’ve been refreshing for so long

@immomtoone I know you didn’t ask me but I might be able to answer…there is a place on upper called “College Road” that is sophomore housing. I lived there as a sophomore because I didn’t get a good lottery number, lol (back in the 80’s).

Some sophomores MIGHT take their year off as sophomores instead of junior year, so some of them might truly be OFF campus.


College Road is traditional housing, like the freshman have. It’s actually quite social and you make a lot of new friends that way.

@Hiddle what were your stats and where r u from?

@kcw18 International. SAT1480 SAT Math 2 750 Chem 720

@Hiddle I’m sorry :(. Best of luck wherever you chose to go.

@waiting2022 Thanks :slight_smile: kinda disappointed but not surprised lol


Me Preparing for denial…

Wow - and so it begins! Good luck everyone!!

Congrats! @hopelessforever what were your stats??

Why weren’t you surprised?

International students hearing first??

accepted to study economics at Morrissey! Good luck to all of you!

Congrats! Yay! Stats?

@Hiddle that really makes me nervous