Hello everyone,
So I’ve been accepted into both NU and BC. For a while, I significantly favored BC becauss I just love it there and I love their mission. However, yesterday I was reading many reviews and many premeds didnt seem to be in favor of BC because of their grade curves and tough premed advisory. I know about Northeastern’s opportunities so I’ve been comparing the two and don’t know which to favor anymore. Can you guys share your thoughts please or if you attended/know anyone that attended either class, please share your experience
PS. In my opinion, BC is perfect in every aspect except that grading thing because I don’t know how one can go to dental school without being an exceptional student relative to other bright students.
If they cost the same unless you really want the Co op experience my choice would be objectively to say BC.
Since I have a d there it isn’t fair to not mention that fact. But we chose it after intense analysis.
She’s in the new neuroscience major in the pre med track. It is really hard as far I can tell. But the curve is real and the amount of work she and her friends put in each week is serious.
Friday night and Saturday’s are pretty free. And they have lots of fun.
The rest of the week is class, zoomba type of exercise and then library or club events. Plus hanging with friends but usually as a study break and then back to it.
And the pre health consulting is actually fantastic. And you can continue to use them after you graduate until you apply.
It seems like many people are encouraging her to think of the process as ug then applying a couple of years after college. It’s the new trend.
I guess it has to do with juggling classes mcats and college life all at once versus stretching it out a bit. And to have some post grad experience.
Not sure about dental school.
Northeastern is awesome too. So no bad options here.
Thanks for your response! So they are both very similar in price (BC is $2k cheaper) and both affordable. Can you talk more about the curve because like I said, that is the only thing that’s bothering me. Is it really that bad or is it manageable? Also in terms of opportunities offered, does she have many opportunities offered to her? I am predental but you can basically speak from a premed standpoint as they are both very similar paths. Thanks.
This is the feedback I’ve received.
She thinks the curve helps actually. But the courses are tough and the kids are smart. You know it takes a little getting used to for her and most of her class to get a 55 or 60 on exam, until the grades come out. Then it’s a b or b- and room to improve from there.
The opportunities are awesome at the school.
She’s going to Appalachia for spring break to help in a community health center. And she already has opportunities for some clinical exposure at one of the local hospitals next year.
Lastly she joined a club for women mentors and after a weekend retreat has a junior premed she meets with once a week to talk about classes and life stuff.
Also because premed makes it hard to do a semester abroad she applied for and was accepted for a summer class with one week in Paris and three in London for full class credit.
Socially there’s a lot do as well. She’s a freshman and honestly it wasn’t until recently that her friend group stabilized.
But that is definately on a individual level for her.
But she also went to every football game and sports she likes to attend.
There’s some on campus parties as freshman and the like, but mostly they go to other schools and Boston under 21 clubs for fun it seems on Friday night. Saturday and Saturday night is campus activities.