Bowdoin vs Colby vs Middlebury vs Colgate

Good luck! Middlebury was so amazing. We live in the mountains of NH and have been to some beautiful campuses (oldest daughter is at Vassar) but the beauty of Midd is striking! Unlike a number of schools with beautiful architecture, Midd’s buildings were just as nice on the inside!

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If you would like to say, any news from Middlebury?

Yes! Great news! Accepted! Thanks so much for all of the advice and support, this is an amazing community.


Will you change your screen name from MidestMom24 to MiddMom28? :grin:

In any case, congratulations and welcome to a new Midd parent, though my kid is graduating this spring, so she won’t be there when yours arrives.

Just poking around and saw this. DS just got into Colgate ED. We are from the west coast. He’s sporty and social but he’s definitely not a preppy kid (spends almost 100% of his time in sweats). Hopefully we correctly got a sense of the vibe and his fit when we toured. Also hope you DD is finding her stride more on the social side.


Kids are very casual at Colgate in general. Lots of sweats in class. I think the harder thing socially is finding your groove freshman year. Only game in town is one bar with a hefty cover charge ($15 for regular line, $25 to get in faster). Freshman will also socialize in dorms but it’s a crap shoot as to whether you like the people in your dorm. Greek life doesn’t happen until sophomore year and it was cut throat this year with a lot of men and women not getting bids. Unaffiliated men cannot go to frat parties and that’s the main socializing until junior year when parties in the townhouses (upperclassmen housing) is open to all. Social life there is pretty complicated if you ask me.

D did in fact get a bid at a sorority and joined so has social options on weekends but frat parties get old fast. There are a lot of happy kids at Colgate, for sure, but they are usually the ones who find their tribe early and don’t mind the limited social options. It’s a small town with little entertainment with all other towns 30 minutes or more away with no public transportation. Being stuck in Hamilton will good friends can be fun but the trick is finding your people. :wink:

Good luck to your son! Academics are stellar and the campus is gorgeous of course.


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