Breathe in...Breathe out

<p>lol...hi...I just made this post to tell y'all to CALM DOWN...some of you guys are WAY to nervous about tomorrow's SAT...just relax and don't worry about it...get some rest and good luck on tomorrow's test...I'm confident that I'm gonna do GREAT...</p>

<p>yeah guys don't worry...... especially if you're asian you know...... the reading we suck at naturally, the writing was added to make us suck more (since our scores were too good), and the math...... the curve will be mean, from what princeton review estimates, 1 raw point off will result in a 760! Some old sats you can get 2 raw points and retain an 800</p>

<p>are you serious? holy s*it we're screwed! -1 can't be 760. Man, they are really trying to screw asians on this test. But then again, everyone else is screwed more.</p>

<p>lol zetsui
damn them

<p>But seriously..they should have balanced out the test. It was perfectly fine the first way. Now 1600 available just for writing and 800 for math is not fair. The test would probably be too long if they added another math section. Geez..this whole test is so stupid and meaningless. The way all colleges play test scores in admissions is ridiculous. I don't really know how they would determine how qualified the other applicants were though. Someone should come up with another way of finding qualifying applicants.</p>

<p>Ha, I must be an anamoly of an asian. I scored 90 points higher on the writing than on the math (last year). I know what you must be thinking: Whoa, the highest possible grade I could have gotten is 710 on the math! Anyway, good luck guys. Don't stress out too much about it</p>