Brilliant student chooses Alabama over Elites - People go Nuts

Those have got to be the most biased elitist comments I have read. I think these type of comments are why alot of the smartest kids in the south remain in the south. They dont want to deal with the elitest attitudes. My baby did not apply to one school above the mason dixon line for this exact reason.

Why should anyone look up to Harvard with uncritical admiration after the disastrous economic and foreign policies that have come from its hallowed halls? The elites of this nation have a lot to answer for. Maybe it is time for grads from other schools to lead the way.

^^Yale is definitely guilty of a lot of that.

“You know what kind of cesspool you’re getting into by looking in the comments section.” Words to keep in mind. Sometimes, sorry, relates to any public forum, too.

Comments by elitists are not the way you want to judge a college. Nor those of the ardent naysayers. And there are plenty of elitists in the south, too.

The kid made what he feels is the right choice for him.

@JohnBran, please link to the source that documents “that an overwhelming amount of those CEOs did in fact go to ivies” for their UNDERGRADUATE degrees.

While we wait for @JohnBran to share his sources, this is an interesting read:

And since I know Lucie herself went to an Ivy, I know she’s not biased against them.

^ nor biased for them, I imagine! :wink:

Oh, for crying out loud, @JohnBran is a high school student. And his stats aren’t exactly Ivy material. In fact, they’re not even good enough to get the Presidential Scholarship at lowly Southern schools like Bama.

Yes, @NoVADad99, the Ivies are excellent at instilling critical thinking skills–something sorely lacking among too many of today’s name-brand obsessed 17-year-olds.

^ #18 and what a disgusting term ‘circlejerking’. CC, can we have a ‘dislike’ button, please?

" the Ivies are excellent at instilling critical thinking skills–something sorely lacking among too many of today’s name-brand obsessed 17-year-olds."

Did you see Yale’s recent Halloween Costume affair where the students surrounded the professor that wrote the email? Yea, so much for “critical thinking skills.”

Boola boola! Welcome to Yale. Only where the best & the brightest can enter.

@blue147, I never claimed that every Ivy student is perfect, just giving credit where credit is due when it came to my own education.

@ Lucie: I know. I’m just pointing out the incident.