I’m very interested in applying to Brown, and I was looking at websites or requirements and I saw mentioned “2 years of history”… is that all social studies courses or just specifically “History classes”? I’m very worried that I may not be eligible to apply because I have these classes:
American history (year)
ap human geography (year)
psychology (semester)
ap psychology (semester)
law studies (semester)
us gov and economics (semester)
any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated!!!
Ask Brown’s admissions office.
The 4 years of social studies you have more than covers the recommendation IMO; I think Brown was just trying to use synonyms instead of using the same phrase over and over.
I’d agree with skieurope. You have four years of social studies, covering a fairly broad range of topics. At the high school level, I imagine this is something Brown would most want out of its applicants. If you insist on being worried, I would argue to you that us gov and law studies are very deeply rooted in the study of history.
I think you’re fine in terms of meeting Brown’s requirements, but what I’m seeing is a lack of any classes in world history – something other than US history. That is a gap in your knowledge base. It could (emphasis on the could) set up a red flag.
@fireandrain my school changed the requirements to world history AND American history the year after me haha