Good luck to those who take PSAT tomorrow or next few days!
Anyone else supposedly studying for SAT on 12/2 but is playing video games non-stop? :!! X_X
Hope everyone’s junior year is going well!
Happy Thanksgiving to all! :x
^ That just gave me precognitive abilities… Thanks for the gift, @payn4ward!
Happy Thanksgiving to all!
Daughter called home to tell that she won a major essay competition and won scholarship $$$$ for it
Congratulations @nynycasino1234 ! <:-P
Thanks @payn4ward
How’s everyone doing having their BS kid home for break? My son is sleeping and gaming…tried to get him to work on SAT prep but decided to wait until after Christmas.
I filed my last SSS by NAIS.
Yes, sleeping and gaming sums up.
I am doing more laundry and making more trips to grocery. Water and electricity bill will be higher next month. Internet has slowed down to still.
DS has taken October and December SAT, and will probably take it one last time in March.
I gave him an ACT book and he will decide on February test after a practice test.
Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year to all! :x >:D<
Kiddo is home and, like @payn4ward’s son, is mostly sleeping and gaming/programming. We attended the local All Academy Ball last night hosted this year by the Navy Parents Club. It was wonderful to see all the cadets and mids from the five service academies in their finery. The West Point dress uniform kills me; they all look like they belong in a Nutcracker production. Anyway, we all had a fine time, slept in this morning, and are just relaxing and enjoying our time together.
Merry Christmas to all on this journey and “God bless us, every one!”
Nutcracker LoL I loved my (former) neighbor’s “Cow” portraits in November. :x
A tip for the class of 2019 and beyond…have your kid make an gmail (or whatever your preferred email provider is) account that is something like firstnameXlastname@gmail dot com where “X” is middle initial (if needed to ensure unique email). And have them give you the password.
Use this email ONLY for college stuff (including collegeboard, etc.). Based on our experience (and that of an acquaintance), it really helped to keep things organized. And if a parent has access, it allows you to see if there are unread emails/emails that require junior’s attention/action.
Daughter called home to tell that she won second major essay competition and won scholarship $$$$. Yay
My fb friend posted her son’s 500th night celebration at West Point. That reminded me @ChoatieMom and ChoatieKid in the “Nutcracker” uniform.
S19 also has 500 days till graduation!
Yep, coming to the end of the college journey; where does the time go? Yesterday, all the Cows (juniors) got their $36,000 Cow Loan posted to their bank accounts. ChoatieSergeant texted a picture of his new bank balance along with a pic of a roulette wheel. “I’m thinking red 34, Mom.”
DD had her first college counseling appointment yesterday. The message she came away with was very clear. Grades are the MOST important factor for selective college admission. This is a very different message then our DS heard 5 years ago from the same college counselor. Back then it was about EC’s, test scores and recommendations. It was believed that colleges would understand the rigor of his BS and gpa would not be the primary factor in admission. DD luckily has a good gpa, of course now she is overly anxious about keeping it that way.
I definitely understand that grades will be the most important factor, but do folks think that colleges give any “credit” for going to a competitive boarding school? In other words, is a B average from a competitive school basically viewed the same way as a B average from a less competitive (whether boarding, private, or public) school? I’m sure this question has been asked before so sorry to ask it again.
On a somewhat related note, I am still digesting the grade inflation that has occurred since I was in BS 30+ years ago. Back then, at least at my school, A’s were very hard to come by and a B+ average would put you in the top 10% of your class. (Or maybe the kids are getting smarter?). It now seems like having a B average is an impediment to getting into many, many schools – not just the top ones.
The colleges understand the schools and their grading. Unless you go outside the usual suspects. I heard grumbling that I suspect was well-founded from kids who decided to look at schools that were unusual choices for our kids (i.e., southwestern schools, and particularly ones that gave scholarships based on GPA.) But at the vast majority of top LACS snd universities, no, this is not an issue.
I would be surprised if your CC can’t give you excellent guidance on this when you meet with them.