BS Class of 2022 Thread

Does anyone know of any online stores that have decent formal clothes for girls ?

@Mama Paradox - by “decent” do you mean MODEST, or good qaulity? We just picked up a nice, modest, dress for Christmas on Nordstrom’s online store and it was on sale. We have ordered skirts and dresses from the J. Crew Outlet online and Abercrombie…great sales and some dressses are online only, not in stores…also Club Monaco online is having a good sale… Many of the girls at BS buy clothes from Revolve - however, I find them to be overpriced and a bit too “too”…but it’s a popular site…If you are looking for online clothes for younger girls (age 6-12), there is Chasing Fireflies. :bz

@Mama Paradox, Francesca’s online is another popular site as well as Lulu’s for the young teenage set around here. The quality is not fabulous, but the prices are competitive and the styles are plentiful enough to find something that everyone can agree on.

Thank you @Golfgr8 and @Hopeful0304. I will pass this information to my daughter.

Time to buy gingerbread houses so the kids can put them together when they get home.

My teens will be back tomorrow. Only the cats see my tears of joy. Thank goodness for Instagram. Parents can see the different happenings on campus. We might visit the Rockefeller tree this season.

Having fun window shopping. It’s a favorite New Jersey pastime. I usually down while kids explore the Mall at Shorts Hills. My son is a bit taller now. My daughter is always on face time with her PA roommate. Enjoying these moments.

Happy New Year!!.. I usually fall asleep at 11:59 pm. This is what happens when you are slightly older.

Happy New Year to parents & students @ class of 22! You made it have way through the first year of BS!
Congratulations to parents and thanks for all your support on CC <:-P
Any advice @ sending the kids back to school after a fun Holiday break?

Happy New Year to all! @Golfgr8, I think you start getting used to the alternative households — one where the kid(s) are home and one where they’re off living their life. As fast as the long breaks go, I think by the end DS is ready to get back to his routine, being out from under the parents, and onto the next several eeekd before the next break. We settle back pretty quickly to the quieter household where there is 1/2 the laundry, no bickering, and the food in the fridge lasts for a few days. DS goes back Tuesday evening, so I’m starting to remind him to gather up his clean laundry, pack up all his gear that he brought home, finish the thank-you notes…and it’s only 4 quick weeks till mid-winter break!

Thanks CTMom21…we are in the same mode today, but I am receiving eye-rolls from kiddo as I bring out the “thank you” notes to complete :!! Tried to explain (again) that emails, Snapchat of gift, or texts do not count in my book as a thank you note [-X

@golfgr8 and @CTMom21, my crew are ready to roll back to school. They clocked in a lot of sleep when they first came home. All of our kiddos miss campus life. Do you agree?

CTKid hasn’t said as much but yes, after nearly 3 weeks I think he’s ready to be back to his friends and his routine. He left school for break recovering from strep and then immediately got his wisdom teeth out, but now he’s back to being himself and ready to be back to the physical and mental rigor of school. It’s nice to be home but he’a pretty lost without the structure.

Yes @CTMom21 once kiddo reunited with BS friends today, lots of hugs, it will make the relaunch after the Holidays a bit easier for all of us. Kiddo found being at home a bit of a “no man’s land” 8-| But I’m exhausted ~O)

Birds are chirping outside my window. I hope the snow storm does not come tonight. Shovel is ready by the door. Hope all of you are fine. Midterm grades will be on the horizon.

Yeah for New England Patriots !!!

I have never been to Boston. My kiddos take the train there with their school friends. School work load is heavy but they appreciate what this school has to offer. It is finals time again. As a parent, I pray hard during finals time.

I picked up DS today for Spring Break! They just finished Irving-Marshall week - a week of competitions between the two societies on campus. My son is in Marshall and they emerged victorious after many heated battles that culminated with Declamation last night. All very exciting and so much fun! The year is flying by - he can’t believe that his first year will be done in 3 months!

Spring Break is wonderful. My son had a growth spurt. My daughter is loving math more. Life is good. They know someone who is waiting for March 9th results.

March 9th…yes !