I was just wondering if there were any BS/MD programs around where I live(The Chicago land area). I’m looking for options within a 5-hour drive. I’m a little disappointed because Northwestern University is discontinuing HPME(a 7-year bs/md) and that is a really amazing school. Also, I think WashU also recently got rid of theirs? I also know that case western is out there, but the rest that I know about seem to be on the east coast, and one in Cali. If anyone knows of options nearby, preferably accelerated but either way, please let me know
U of Cincy cancelled their’s this year but should be back for next. 4.5 hours
Thank you, I will look into that
University of Illinois (Chicago) GPPA
Case Western
Indiana University SOM/University of Evansville
St Louis U
Wayne State U
University of Toledo
@WayOutWestMom Thank you! Although some of the schools like U evansville only accepts in state applicants.
You said Chicago area. I have relatives who live in the “Chicago area”–which in their case happens to be in northern Indiana
@WayOutWestMom ahh your right, my bad
Please visit a CC thread dedicated to BSMD programs.