BS/MD Results - Fall 2021 cycle

Posting for my son (who is agreeable to my doing so)

GPA: 3.78 (UW), 4.35 (W)

Class Rank: 17/389

ACT: 35 (36 superscored)

No Subject tests and no AP tests; he was full time dual enrollment with an early college program within the county and only attended college classes

Teacher / Counselor Recs: Counselor rec was outstanding; his English teacher recommendation really highlighted the quirky helpful side of my kid; his Math teacher is his mentor and adores him but writes pretty badly, so that was a weak letter unfortunately

State: FL (but military kid)
Gender: M
Ethnicity: Native American/Caucasian
Income: >150k
Hook: high achieving Native student

● Presidential Volunteer Service Award- Gold
● President’s Award for Educational Excellence
● Prudential Spirit of Community Leadership Award - Local Honoree
● Bausch and Lomb Honorary Science Award
● Rensselaer Medal for Outstanding Science and Math Achievements
● Congressional Award- Bronze Medal
● High School Varsity Academic Letter; Additional patches for academic achievement earned

Major ECs/Volunteering/Etc
Research Internship with cancer center/university (JR and SR years)
Volunteer at Hospital
Tutor inpatient children’s ward at hospital
President of Medical Explorers
Doctor Shadowing (Surgeon, PA, Primary Care)
Clubs like NHS, MAT, Key Club, PTK (and leadership roles in them)
Student Ambassador at high school

Applied to the following BS/MD Programs:
BSMD Applications

  1. GW/GW: Accepted
  2. Brown-ACCEPTED!!!
    Other BSMD Applications
    Pitt, Penn, FAU, NJMS, BU, Temple- Rejected pre interview
    VCU, Drexel- offered interview and declined to accept
    Hofstra- sent supplement/no interview invitation
    URochester- Interviewed, not selected

Applied to the following undergraduates:
UNC-CH (OOS)- Accepted
Georgetown- Waitlisted
UVA- Accepted
CMU- Denied
William and Mary-Accepted
Vanderbilt- Accepted
Boston College-Accepted
Northeastern- Accepted
UF (in state)-Accepted
UW (OOS)-Accepted
Yale- Rejected
Dartmouth- Accepted
UPenn- Rejected
J Hop- rejected
Columbia- Waitlisted
Harvard- Rejected


So in the end he got what he wanted, and we couldn’t be more thrilled. Though some of the rejections like PPSP and REMS (especially post interview) hit him pretty hard, he had so many highs that the occasional lows didn’t hurt as much as they could have. He was really in the most fortunate of places as he was accepted to Stanford via REA so that washed away the anxiety for regular decisions. The initial results for BSMD didn’t seem promising (all rejections) and finally a brief little streak of acceptances made it seem like this could actually happen.

He applied pretty broadly- we had no clue how this would work out. His unweighted GPA seemed low for his ambitions. Unfortunately His freshman year was BAD for a kid with his hopes (All Bs and one F in a core class). His father had been injured during deployment that summer prior and kiddo was a mess. His upward grade trend saved him (I think) and he made sure he included an explanation of what happened, but going into this with that on the transcript meant we were really worried and pretty much applied to as many schools as he was willing to write essays for. Hence the long list of the traditional UG.

I started reading the CC threads about two years ago- he was agreeable to my suggestions based on what I learned here. Tiger mom, helicopter parent, whatever I may be called by SDN (haha)- I told him what I learned and he charted the course. We hired a consultant whose help on the essays was vital to how well they turned out. We utilized that service for interview prep as well. My husband and I grew up in pretty rugged poverty so the whole idea of applying to be a doctor or to Ivies was very beyond our personal experiences.

What he did well: we reviewed the aspects of successful applicants and tried to replicate it with meaningful activities he appreciated. He was very methodical in his planning but didn’t just do stuff to pad a resume. Research has now become a passion for him; he had no interest in sports ever and did not even pretend, but he is an avid hiker and highlighted that in his essays and resumes. HIs essays portrayed him very well- I read them back now and I can picture who he is from them. This process helped cement his desire to be a doctor and while RI isn’t as close to home as his mother would like, I know that he is going to fit in well with that environment.


GPA: 3.96 UW, 4.75 W
No class rank, class size ~40

ACT: 35 (STEM: 34)
SAT: 1530 (Superscored 1580, though BS/MDs typically don’t superscore)
Math 2: 760

APs (18 total)
5s: US Government/Politics, Calc AB + BC, Psych, Lang, Human Geo, Lit, Chem
4s: World, Microecon, Macroecon, Euro, Bio, APUSH, Seminar, French
In Progress: AP Research

Recs: Haven’t seen them but assuming they’re strong since I have a really good relationship w my recommenders

Out of state for all programs
Gender: F
Ethnicity: Non-caucasian
Income: >150k

Awards: (Nothing big)
State Interview Winner for Distinguished Young Women of my state
Couple of speech/debate awards (local)
National AP Scholar, AP Scholar w/ Distinction, National Merit SF at time of apps
Student of the Year - AP Bio, Econ

Community Service
Chapter leader for a non-profit, founded state chapter of non-profit
Food drive for COVID
Mayor’s Youth Advisory Commission Officer
Math Tutor

Editor in Chief of International Magazine
NHS, NJHS, French Honors Society
Dance + awards

Medicine: (don’t remember the duration for a lot of these)
Helped organized an eye camp
Front Desk Volunteer (1 yr)
ICU Volunteer (6 months, cut bc of COVID)
Contact Tracing Certified
UMich Summer Health Program (6 weeks)
Lead Volunteer at Hospice
Research Intern for a company that codes an app for epilepsy diagnosis
Research at college near me
Research mentor
Currently working on research with the American Cancer Society (wasn’t on my app, but talked about it during interviews)

Applied to following BS/MD programs:

  1. FAU - ACCEPTED with full ride for UG (national merit)
  2. Syracuse/SUNY - ACCEPTED with 28k (Leadership scholar) scholarship for UG
  3. UToledo -ACCEPTED (I wouldn’t really call this a BS/MD, but it is a medical pathway)
  4. CNU (lol) - ACCEPTED (wasn’t ever planning on going here, my dad suggested I apply anyway to learn more about the process in general)
  5. Drexel - Interviewed, withdrew post interview
  6. RPI, Hofstra, Case, URoch - Rejected pre-interview

*accepted UG with scholarships for all except Case, where I was waitlisted RD

Applied to following undergrad programs:

  1. USF (They have a BS/MD pathway that you declare in your first year) - ACCEPTED
  2. UCinncinati (Applied with the intention of applying BS/MD, but they ended up cancelling the program this year) - ACCEPTED with Presidential (full ride) scholarship
  3. Illinois Tech (Applied with intention of BS/DO, ended up not really liking the college) - ACCEPTED with Camras (Full tuition) scholarship
  4. In state colleges - ACCEPTED with the most competitive/prestigious in state scholarship.

DECISION: In State College
Scholarship: Full ride and then some for med school

Although I decided to go through the traditional path, I wanted to share some stats to give upcoming applicants an idea of what resumes might look like as a result of the pandemic. I was supposed to shadow at my hospital this year, but I obviously couldn’t because of COVID. My app isn’t nearly as impressive as many other students on CC, and but my advice is to own up and build around what you do have rather than worry about what you don’t.
In terms of decisions, FAU is a great program that allows you to apply out for med school, and the scholarship is really good. I personally felt that I would’ve struggled getting clinical experiences there. Also, the campus (Jupiter) was too small for my liking.
I was pretty upset to turn down Syracuse. I was born there, and I love both the UG and SUNY. If I didn’t have my in state scholarship, I would’ve taken it, even with how expensive it is. One con to this program was that this it’s first year at Syracuse and I didn’t want to be a guinea pig for the program (again, still would’ve taken it w/o my in state scholarship).
One thing that made assessing options difficult is that I’m OOS and pretty far from both my options. While it could be manageable, it’s hard for me to leave when I have a great opportunity that lead to an amazing medical school. I’ll only get this scholarship once, but I can apply (and, hopefully, get into) medical school again.
Congratulations to the those in the class of 2021 on all of your successes, it’s well deserved.


My guess is you are going to University of Michigan, great choice. You have tried to obscure it.


@cofffee - Perfectly fine, but just confirming that the state you’re from (has some value) was omitted intentionally. Would you be willing to share geography (northeast, south, Midwest, or west coast)? If not no worries. Congratulations and best of luck on your well thought out and mature decision.

Good guess, but no.

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Yes, it was omitted intentionally, and thank you. I am from the southwest.

Just guessed it wrongly.




Please keep this thread only for results, stats and perspectives.

All wishes, discussions, comments, - please post it on the discussion thread:

Posting for my son
GPA: 3.78 (UW), 4.89 (W)
Class Rank: not provided
ACT: 35
SAT : 1560(super score)
SAT Math: 800
SAT Chemistry : 800
Aps : 9 AP courses at the time of submissions with most being score 5/4
Teacher / Counselor Recs: Think they were strong.
State: IL
Gender: M
Ethnicity: ORM
● Eagle Scout
● Taekwando Black Belt
Major ECs/Volunteering/Etc
Research in Sophomore year (no research in Junior due to pandemic)
Volunteer at Hospital
Teacher Assistant
School Science Club
Shadowing doctors
Applied to the following BS/MD Programs:
BSMD Applications

  1. UIC GPPA: Interview → Accepted
  2. UMKC: Interview → Rejected
  3. Oklahoma MHSP: Interview → Withdrew Interview
  4. Drexel – Interview → Withdrew Interview
  5. RPI/AMC – supplement submitted, pre-interview rejected
    Other BSMD Applications
    Pitt, Penn State, NJMS, BU, VCU, SUNY upstate, Hofstra, UConn, REMS, Brown PLME, Case PPSP - Rejected pre interview

Past forums helped us in making decision to apply to BS/MD as some kids close to his stats getting into some of them.
He applied broadly.
Our observation : Most of the programs needed high unweighted GPA in addition to strong extracurriculars.


GPA: 3.98 (UW), 4.74 (W)

Class Rank: School doesn’t rank Class Size 600+

SAT: 1550+

AP’s (at time of application)
Chemistry, Physics, US Gov, Micro, Macro, Calc BC, Language and Comp, Biology, Environmental science, World History - mostly 5s and a few 4s

Teacher / Counselor Recs: Didn’t see them, but I’m assuming they were pretty good. I had close relationships with my teachers and counselor.

ECs (some main ones):
-Two summers of research and some other outside research
-Volunteer at a local hospital and clinic ~400 hours
-Shadowing ~80 hours
-Tennis (4 years varsity and captain)
-Dr. Rubin’s Minimed School + TA
-Few clubs at my school that I held leadership in

Honors (some main ones):
-Published research paper
-National Merit Finalist
-Gold President’s Volunteer Service Award
-National AP Scholar

BS/MD Programs:
UMKC - Interview, ACCEPTED
Drew/NJMS - Interview, Withdrew
FAU - Interview, Rejected
Pitt GAP - Received Supplement, Rejected
Case PPSP, Rice/Baylor, UR REMS, Hofstra, Drexel - Rejected pre-interview

Northwestern - Accepted
Rice - Accepted
Emory - Accepted

Decision: Boston University SMED

Congrats to all other applicants (and parents @mom2boys1999)!!!

Will post reflection later on once I’ve received all my decisions, but just wanted to give some info for applicants in the upcoming year now. Thanks to everyone on this thread that provided valuable information and made this process more bearable.




Please keep this thread only for results, stats and perspectives.

All wishes, discussions, comments, - please post it on the discussion thread.

Link on my post #27

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GPA: 3.65 (UW) 4.52 (W)

Class Rank: No class rank

Sat: 1470
ACT: 34 Superscore
AP’s: AP Biology (3) and AP Chemistry (3)

Star Scout in Boy Scouts
Many hours shadowing nurse and PA (initially thought about pursuing these fields)
Volunteering at Children’s Book Club

Awesome Teacher Recs - mentioned in interview as some of the best ever seen

BS/MD programs
Oklahoma University MHSP: Rejected Pre-interview (I think someone declined an interview and it opened up a spot for me)-> Interview → Accepted
UMKC: Interview Waitlist (Didn’t end up receiving an interview)-> Rejected
UIC GPPA: Rejected preinterview
Penn State PMM: Rejected preinterview
Boston University: Rejected preinterview
Brown PLME: Rejected Preinterview

Undergrad Institutions
UIUC - Accepted for Biology
UW Madison - Deferred → Accepted
University of Michigan → Rejected
Northwestern University → Rejected

Decision: University of Oklahoma MHSP!!! :slight_smile:

Reflection: Recommendations and essays are key. Both were mentioned in my interview as being extremely strong and I believe that these helped make up for some of my lower stats.


UWGPA: 4.00
WGPA: 4.63

Class Rank: Top 1-2% of Class

SAT: 1500

AP Calculus AB - 5
AP Chemistry - 4
AP Physics C: Mechanics - 4
AP Lang - 4

Will take AP Statistics, AP Calculus BC, and AP Biology this year

Ethnicity: ORM


2019 State Model Congress Outstanding Delegate Award

National Honor Society Member

AP Scholar with Honor

CPR Certified


Third author of dermatology research paper published in international journal

Fourth author of cardiology research paper — currently writing manuscript for poster presentation

Personally raised $10,000 in sponsorships for healthcare nonprofit; Lead team of 20 high schoolers to raise $200,000 during high school

Youth president of local nonprofit, Organized event providing free health checkups for rural and underprivileged families

Shadowed gastroenterologist

Neurosurgery virtual internship

Intern at Chemical Analysis Firm

Chemistry Club

Debate Club


Seton Hall - ACCEPTED
NJMS - Interviewed with Feeder - Forwarded To Med School - Interviewed - REJECTED
Stony Brook - REJECTED
Rowan Cooper - REJECTED

***I received a supplement application from Augusta and AMC but I declined to complete it.

Princeton - REJECTED
Harvard - REJECTED

Decision: VCU BS/MD


Don’t apply to UAB unless you are a local state or in state student since they have clear regional bias.

Seton Hall is a scam in my opinion. They only guarantee an interview at a crappy med school and you pay a tuition of around 35-40K despite being in state. Go regular premed at a much better state school for UG (ie: Rutgers or TCNJ) and you will surely perform better.

AMC is also a waste of time for their BS/MD programs. The med school charges an insane 100K per year tuition, which I can not justify for an unranked med school. For that reason, despite receiving a supplement application, I did not continue on with the application process.

I also received a supplement from Augusta, but declined to complete it since it was too far away from home. Also, their residency placement is kinda poor.

SUNY Upstate is also a waste of time for BS/MD since their med school tuition is close to 100K. Can’t justify spending that amount for a med school ranked around 70 or 80.

Rowan Cooper has only 3 seats per year so don’t count on making it far.

NJMS interview day and Dean’s session was honestly disorganized and I was quite disappointed. On the interview day, NJMS made it seem like there would be an information session when you check in. In reality, you just show your ID, logout, and then wait until your interview time. Interview with the faculty of med school lasted about 25 minutes. Interviewer seemed unprepared and only asked me 3 questions — she couldn’t really continue a conversation. TBH I’m not that surprised that I was rejected.

I was very pleased with how VCU handled the interview day and MMI session. The information session was 2 hours long, contained a virtual tour, and I had the opportunity to ask questions. I enjoyed the MMI interview as well since I got to have great conversations with the faculty and med students interviewing me. Also my total COA for UG at VCU will be around 60K, which is a great deal, especially since I’m out of state.

I did not apply to any BS/DO programs as I felt that I was limiting myself to low ranked med schools and the negative stigma that comes with being a DO. Up until February, my parents kept nagging at me to apply to BS/DO programs that I didn’t even want to attend. My end goal is to match into a top specialty like dermatology or orthopedic surgery, so the DO route was going to be a much harder mountain to climb over.

Probably the most important point for future applicants: APPLY WELL BEFORE THE DEADLINES (perhaps 5-10 days before). START EARLY WITH ESSAYS IN SUMMER. For a lot of the BS/MD programs that I applied to, I mainly submitted the day of the deadline. Although not confirmed, I speculate that AOs read files as they come in and fill in the interview invite slots early like the traditional med school process. I applied to VCU BS/MD around a week before the deadline and got accepted. Same with NJMS feeder schools, although I was ultimately rejected post-interview. Another point: KNOCK OF THE SAT IN SOPHOMORE YEAR OR EARLY JUNIOR YEAR. I waited way too long at the end of Junior year to start preparing.

EMT IS THE NUMBER 1 MOST VALUABLE ACTIVITY TO DO. SHOWS TREMENDOUS COMMITMENT TO MEDICINE. I know tons of people with 1400 SAT scores that go into BS/MD programs because they did EMT. Unless you don’t have a passion for EMT, I highly would recommend pursuing this activity early on starting in 9th or 10th grade.

Upenn for regular premed was not very appealing as I would have to pay 75K per year. I most likely will use VCU Med as a safety and apply out to other med schools like Upenn and NYU. At this point, crushing the MCAT is my main concern along with continuing research publications and etc.

Lastly, thank you to all the parents and students on the forums that provided great advice. Their anecdotal evidence of where students ended up specialty wise from various UGs and med schools was insightful.

Good luck to the BS/MD applicants next year! The torch has been passed down to you guys!


GPA: 3.8 (UW), 5.4 (W) at the time of application

Class Rank: top 10%, class of ~700

ACT: none
SAT: 1590

SAT Subject Tests:
Chemistry: 800
Math 2: 800
Bio: 790

AP’s (at time of application)

AP US History: 5;
AP Psychology - 5
AP Physics A: 3 :frowning:;
AP Computer Science A: 4;
AP World History: 5
AP Language and Composition: 5

Senior APs: AP Bio, AP Chem, AP Government/Politics, AP Calc, AP Literature and Composition

IB – none

Teacher / Counselor Recs: Not seen but assumed to be strong. One from counselor, one from sophomore chem teacher, one from junior world history teacher, one from junior physics teacher.

State: NJ
Gender: M
Ethnicity: Non-Caucasian
Income: >150k
Hooks: None


National Merit Finalist
National AP Scholar
Eagle Scout Award
Order of the Arrow - Inductee
National Youth Leadership Training

Major ECs:

EMT - served at local rescue squad for two years, significant patient experiences
Genetics research at local state university - began senior year
Microbiology research at private university
Tech Intern for local school district
Math Instructor at tutoring center
Counselor at regional Cub Scout Camp


Founded and ran a regional medical exploring program at a major in-state hospital/healthcare system
Boy Scouts - 10+ years of experience, 4 years in leadership role, Eagle Scout, OA inductee, NYLT trained

Community Service:

Founded and ran major coat drive at local food pantry for 5+ years
Hospital volunteering
Eagle Scout Service Project - 400+ hours for local nursing home

Applied to the following BS/MD Programs:

TCNJ/NJMS - interviewed - ACCEPTED
NJIT/NJMS - interviewed - ACCEPTED
PennState / Jefferson - interviewed - REJECTED
Siena/AMC - interviewed - PENDING
Drexel/Drexel - placed on interview waitlist - REJECTED
UPitt GAP, CaseWestern, URochester, Rice/Baylor, Brown PLME, GW, VCU - rejected pre-interview (accepted undergrad)

Scholarship: Currently negotiating


I wish I had been told going into this that the applicatin process would be one of the most stressful times of my life. That’s the price you pay for applying (and being accepted!) into medical school right out of high school.

It’s important to remember that it is impossible to know what goes on behind closed doors at these universities. Focus on what you can control, put in the effort on your applications, prepare for your interviews, and most of all, KEEP OFF THIS WEBSITE!!! As helpful as it is, it is not going to help you reduce your stress at all. Check in every once in a while, and then stay off of it!

I am a firm believer that what is meant to happen will happen. Even if you do not get into any BS/MD program, keep your head up, work hard in your undergrad, and draw of your experiences when it is time to reapply to med school at the end of college.

Key Facts:

Acceptance rates to these programs are more selective than even the Ivy’s. You CANNOT get upset over your rejections. Instead, focus on the opportunities still at hand. These programs have very long application processes, and many (including the one I will be attending), had multiple interviews. Many universities prefer in-state students e.g. NJ, TX, CT, OH universities.

TCNJ/NJMS: This was by far my number one choice going into the application process! What really drew me to TCNJ was their environment as a liberal arts school. I didn’t want to go to a big STEM school because that’s what my high school was like, and I want to be able to pursue a more well-rounded education. TCNJ really gives that traditional college experience, and it’s small community of BS/MD students are really close and all good friends too!
UPitt: Only apply with a 1600 and 4.0 MINIMUM. They won’t even bother sending you a rejection email if you don’t.
Rice/Baylor: Insanely low number of seats. They accept 6 out of hundreds of applicants.
Penn/Jeff: By far the best interview session. The only program I was upset at being rejected by. Maybe this was because I had made it to the final interview stage too.
Drexel: Be wary of the med school. They lost their affiliation with their major teaching hospital, and are now partnered up with a small academic hospital in Reading, PA. I would have rather attended a traditional path than gone here even if I had gotten in.

Thank you for a great forum and all the best to future aspirants! Please feel free to PM me if you have any questions or would like advice!!! I know preparing for the application process can be tough :grinning:

note: Please do not PM me repeatedly to ask me to withdraw my applications from any pending programs.


GPA: 4.0 (UW), 4.8 (W) at the time of application

Class Rank: 1/~250

ACT: 35 (35 E, 36 R, 36 S, 34 M)

SAT Subject Tests:
Bio: 800

AP’s (at time of application): Biology (5), Physics 1 (5), Statistics (5), US History (5), Lang (5)

AP’s Senior Year: Physics-C (Both Sections), Macro, Micro, Comp Sci, Environmental Science, Lit, and Calc BC

Dual Enrollment: took 12 college credits (virtually) in summer before senior year

Teacher / Counselor Recs: all very strong-- including counselor, physics teacher, biology teacher, and Lang teacher

State: NJ
Gender: M
Ethnicity: Non-Caucasian
Income: >150k

Awards (nothing major)

  • AP Scholar with Distinction
  • Silver Medal Finalist on National French Exam
  • NJSIAA Scholar-Athlete (varsity swim)
  • Academic Excellence High Honor Roll Award

Community Service/Medical Related EC’s

  • Founded a non-profit, providing free SAT/ACT tutoring
  • Sunday School Servant- taught young children at church
  • Church Camp Volunteer Counselor
  • Certified EMT, volunteered at a local squad
  • Shadowing at GI practice for three years
  • Research on COV-19 through the NJ Governor’s School in the Sciences

School EC’s

  • Class President (10th to 12th grade)
  • Varsity Swimming
  • Physics, Bio, Math Team

Employment EC’s

  • Assistant Manager at a local pharmacy, helped distribute PPE during the pandemic
  • Weekly Article Writer for Small Sports Website
  • Lifeguard

Fun EC’s

  • plays saxophone and steel drums
  • photography portfolio
  • HUGE sports fanatic, even wrote some essays about this!

Applied to the following BS/MD programs

  1. BU SMED - interviewed - ACCEPTED (no scholarship)
  2. GW/GW - interviewed- ACCEPTED (25k a year)
  3. NJIT/NJMS- interviewed at both feeder and NJMS - ACCEPTED (pretty much full tuition)
  4. TCNJ/NJMS- interviewed at both feeder and NJMS - ACCEPTED (13k a year)
  5. Rutgers/NJMS- interviewed at both feeder and NJMS - ACCEPTED (full tuition, including room and board)
  6. Stevens/NJMS- interviewed at both feeder and NJMS - ACCEPTED (30k a year)
  7. Siena/AMC - interviewed at AMC - pending result
  8. Drexel - waitlisted for an interview- rejected
  9. Pitt GAP - received supplement - rejected pre-interview
  10. Brown PLME- rejected
    *accepted to all undergrads for programs besides Brown

Applied to the Following Undergrads: (all BME major)

  • UChicago (EA)- accepted (50% tuition)
  • Duke- accepted
  • UPenn- accepted
  • Princeton- waitlisted
  • Harvard- waitlisted
  • Columbia- waitlisted
  • MIT- rejected
  • Stanford- rejected

DECISION: NJIT/NJMS (Full Tuition for Undergrad)


I was very fortunate to receive multiple BS/MD offers and multiple undergrad offers. However, this admissions cycle proved to be very unpredictable. I received interviews at places I did not think I would be interviewed and rejections at programs where I thought I had a better chance. So, Tip #1: DO NOT LOSE CONFIDENCE due to rejections. Stay positive throughout the entire process. Although it is a long journey, you will end up at a place where you’ll flourish. You were motivated to apply to these programs, and with the same motivation you will be successful wherever you go, program or not. Tip #2: Be passionate! Although I may not have been the most polished interviewee per say, I think my passions came across in every interview. Whether that was talking about my medical experiences, my family, my sports endeavors, or just what I did for fun, I was excited to talk about it because I truly loved my experiences. Tip #3: Start early! I started my essays in August and was able to finish applications by early October. This allowed me to focus on my senior year grades rather than trying to balance applications and high school.

NJIT/NJMS is the perfect fit for me! Throughout this whole process I was looking for a program that would give me optionality. I wanted to study biomedical engineering and NJIT allows me to do so (maybe even in 2 years!). Because NJIT is a public polytechnic university, it has so many opportunities for research with over 100 labs on its small campus. Meanwhile, NJMS will allow me to do research at the med school from my first year at NJIT. NJIT (especially the honors college) is highly underrated and I’m excited to get a high quality education there. If I’m able to finish BME in two years (as they accept all my AP credits), I am hoping to spend my third year either performing research, working in industry, or maybe even volunteering abroad!

NJMS is also a very solid medical school, especially as an in-state student. Looking at recent match lists, NJMS consistently has an over 10% match rate into DOPEN residencies. I’m looking at ortho/sports and NJMS’s level 1 trauma center, proximity to nyc, and proximity to major sports arenas will provide me with a great foundation to match into a competitive residency. Good luck to everyone in their process and I hope this reflection helps! Feel free to PM me with any questions :smile:


Posting for my daughter …

GPA: 3.93 (UW), 4.97 (W) at the time of application
Class Rank: NA; Class Size 850+
ACT: 35
SAT: 1510 (didn’t submit)
SAT Subject Tests:
Chemistry: 760
Math 2: 800

AP’s (at time of application)
AP Calculus BC: 5
AP Biology – 5
AP Chemistry – 4
AP Stats – 4
AP Physics 1 and AP Psychology – taking this year
Total 11Aps.

Teacher / Counselor Recs: Not seen but assume to be ok, it’s a too big school.
State: OH
Gender: F
Ethnicity: Non-Caucasian
Income: >150k
Hooks: None

Awards: not major
National Merit Finalist
AP scholar with distinction

Community Service/Medical Related EC’s
• Hospital volunteering – all 4 years
• Volunteering at Senior retirement home – 2 years
• Research at local hospital – 1 year
• Raised money to support the needy - during COVID
• Shadowed couple of doctors – few hours
• Violin and classical music – 10 years, all 4 years in high school orchestra

School clubs:
NHS – 2 years
Spanish NHS – 3 – leadership positions 2 years

Applied to the following BS/MD Programs:

  1. Hofstra - interviewed – ACCEPTED (with decent scholarship for undergrad)
  2. FAU - interviewed – Waitlisted
  3. TCNJ/NJIT/NJMS – interviewed – rejected after interview
  4. UPitt GAP, CaseWestern, URochester, Rice/Baylor, Brown PLME, BU, Stony Brook Scholars for Medicine - rejected pre-interview (accepted to all undergrads with scholarships)
  5. Syracuse/Upstate – rejected pre-interview, received supplements

Applied to the following undergraduates:

  1. Vanderbilt – rejected
  2. Northeastern – accepted with scholarship
  3. Case Western – accepted with scholarship



As everyone said it’s a Roller-Coaster ride; stressful period of 6 months! There are lot of highly talented kids in this thread and my C’s profile is nothing great.
My C is very fortunate is to receive at least one acceptance. There is no BS/MD culture at our school and very few people to know about it. We have 2 in-state colleges that offer BS/MD but one was cancelled because of Covid. Some of the kids just apply to those, that’s it. Beyond that they don’t know anything about BS/MD. Few highly talented kids either go to Ives or local colleges.

Few things we learned in the entire middle school and high school:

I think my post is going to be little long. I want the incoming students and parents to understand the process. I think it’s very important to know the college admission process little early. Even though one has passion, it’s little difficult for lot of kids to know the process, find the opportunities and most of the senior parents don’t even share any information. We didn’t know lot of information and the process starts from 8h grade itself. We absolutely had no idea how to find a research position and always had a feeling that all that is only for highly talented kids. By God’s grace, we found someone that gave some idea at the end of 8th grade, but she doesn’t know anything about BS/MD or medical field. Of course, I started following college confidential later and that was a big help and raised lot of questions. When we were finally ready to start the college applications, we had no clue and no hope that we could complete the process successfully and really stressed out. Fortunately, my dear college confidential provided a counselor’s contact. We were never planning for a counselor as we knew they are all very expensive usually and we cannot afford but with the stress we were going through at that time, we decided to at least talk to him. He really helped us a lot with the process, guided my C at a reasonable cost. I really thank him for his help but unfortunately, we came to know him little late in the process. I know lot of people argue in this thread about counselor but it’s good to have if you’re not aware of the process like us and of course, if you can afford.
I strongly believe whatever meant to happen will happen, but I always try to be optimistic and believe if you help others, God will help you.
Please message me if anyone ever needs any help and I will do my best.


Congrats. Can you IM me the contact information of the counselor


Congratulations on all your achievements ! Can you please provide some help as where you can look for research opportunities, I am a junior and not able to find much around.

Thanks so much !