*** Official Thread - BS/MD Results for Class of 2018 ***

This thread is to post the stats and feedback/reflection from students / parents to post the BS/MD Acceptance at the end of the cycle. Below is a post from a student of previous cycle to provide the sample format.
This is a very nice post from previous year’s results thread. You can copy & paste & update with your details when you post. Thank you so much in advance to help future students / parents.

Important Note: Please post only results. If you have questions and discussion topics, please use the other thread which will have the year and BS/MD applicant in the title.

Sample Post:

GPA: 4.0 (UW), 4.3778 (W)

Class Rank: 1/421

ACT: 35
Subscores: Science (36), English (35), Reading (35), Math (34), Writing (10)

SAT Subject Tests:
Chemistry: 770
Math 2: 770
U.S. History: 760

AP’s (at time of application)
U.S. History - 5
Chemistry - 5
U.S. Gov - 5
Language & Composition - 5
Statistics - 5
Biology - 4

Senior AP’s: Physics C Mechanics, Calc BC, Literature & Composition, Psychology

Teacher Recs: Really great, well-rounded letter from APUSH teacher. Didn’t see my AP Chemistry teacher’s rec but she is known for writing amazing ones. Sent an English teacher rec and counselor rec to the schools that required them, and I assume they were both pretty good. Sent a letter from the director of the soup kitchen I volunteered at to a few select programs that had the options.

State: MI
Gender: F
Ethnicity: White, Native American
Income: 100-150k
Hooks: Nothing really! I stood out a little because I didn’t do a lot of research or academic ECs & focused a lot of my time on community service instead

Major ECs:

  • Varsity Cross Country: captain
  • Varsity Track & Field
  • Key Club: co-founder, president
  • Student Council: vice-president
  • National Honors Society: secretary
  • Paid AP Chemistry Tutor
  • Orientation Leader
  • Interact

Community Service:

  • Local food warehouse - 180 hours
  • Local homeless shelter - 300 hours
  • Teacher of religious education at my church - 300 hours
  • Volunteering through ECs - 150 hours
  • Local nursing home - 100 hours
  • Hospital - 50 hours

Medically related activities:
Physician Shadowing - 120 hours
Research in psychiatry department at Wayne State University - 60 hours

Applied to the following BS/MD Programs:

  1. Brown PLME - rejected ED - rejected RD
  2. Northwestern HPME - interview - ACCEPTED
  3. Pitt GAP - interview - ACCEPTED
  4. Case PPSP - interview - declined interview
  5. University of Rochester REMS - interview - ACCEPTED
  6. George Washington - rejected pre-interview
  7. Boston University - interview - ACCEPTED
  8. Penn State - interview - rejected
  9. University of Cincinnati DAP - interview - ACCEPTED
  10. Virginia Commonwealth GAP - interview - ACCEPTED
  11. UCONN SPiM - rejected pre-interview
  12. Wayne State University - interview - declined interview

Applied to the following undergraduate:

  1. University of Michigan - accepted
  2. Harvard - waitlisted
  3. Dartmouth - waitlisted
  4. Yale - rejected

DECISION: Northwestern HPME

Scholarship / Aid: List if any merit / need based aid provided in UG and/or MD program

Where do I begin? This process was certainly a whirlwind!! I experienced so many mixed emotions throughout it and never in a million years would have dreamed that I would end up where I did.

My greatest advice, although cliche, is to be yourself and to take quality time to reflect and think introspectively. Dig deep, think carefully about why you’re doing what you’re doing (nobody enters this process willingly without a good reason) and go beyond the idea of a checklist of items that you must meet. Don’t be afraid to be specific - it wasn’t the hospital volunteering that impacted you but the patient you met in the lobby on the way in; it wasn’t the complex chemicals that you worked with in the lab but the relationship you forged with your research mentor that influenced you. Tell the admissions people and interviewers that. Think carefully about what you love about yourself and how these can not only enable you to be a successful doctor but can enable you to LOVE medicine. Speak from the heart and everything will fall into place.

As far as interviews go (as I know that time is getting close!), have fun! The second I started treating my interviews as a conversation instead of an avenue of getting accepted into a medical program, everything changed drastically. Don’t be afraid to laugh, ask questions that you truly care about, share a personal detail from your life here and there. Be a person to the interviewer and treat them as a person. They have seen you on paper and it’s time to show them who you truly are!

Overall, I could not be more thankful for my experiences with the BS/MD programs. I met some of the most amazing people and learned so much about myself in the process.

Please don’t hesitate to message me if you have any questions at all!!!

S got in FAU. Anyone else in FAU?

Iwe called UAB for application status. They said their database is not showing my son’s application. But his blazer I’d account showing that the application is under review. We argued with them. They said that they already sent results for this year. They can’t help. I think some virus is there in their database.

Gentle Friendly Remainder:

This thread is for posts when students / parents provide the stats and their perspective of the BS/MD application process and their feedback to future students for guidance and their final decision on which BS/MD program OR UG regular path they selected etc.,

If you have any posts related to current year BS/MD discussion, please use the thread below. Thanks for your understanding and support.


It’s too early to give the status of all the application status as some colleges are still sending out interview letter / rejection letters / acceptance letters. Here is what my DD status as of today -

Union/Albany - Interviewed - Accepted
Penn State/Jefferson - Interviewed - Waiting for Decision
Brown - ED Deferred
Northwestern - Rejected
Washington University - Rejected
Case Western - Rejected
U Pittsburgh - Rejected
Virginia Commonwealth - Rejected
Rochester - Rejected
Boston University - No communication at all

GPA: 3.93 (UW), 4.75 (W)

Class Rank: School doesn’t rank, top 1%

ACT: 36
Subscores: Science (36), English (36), Reading (36), Math (36), Writing (12)

SAT Subject Tests:
Biology: 800
Math 2: 800

AP’s (at time of application)
APUSH, AP Bio, AP Lang, AP Compsci, AP Art History, AP Chinese, AP European History, AP Environmental Science all 5’s

Senior Classes - Multivariable Calculus/Linear Algebra, Honors Anatomy/Physio, AP Psychology, AP Lit, AP Physics C, polisci

Teacher Recs: Really knew my AP Bio teacher. She was also the supervisor for our science olympiad club, and helped me throughout my research process.
Also my literature teacher who also taught the 9th grade english class, so she could remark on the growth I had between those years, and also my love for writing. (I talked about wanting to write a medical-related book)

State: California
Gender: M
Ethnicity: Asian
Income: 100-150k
Hooks: Research, maybe music composition

Major ECs:

  • Research @ UCSD (Accepted paper to Journal of Orthopedic Research, experience at The Scripps Research Institute)
  • Founded a music program (composed music for nursing home communities, and worked with the residents. Collaborated with some recording studios and hospitals)
  • Concert Pianist of an advanced concert orchestra
  • Treasurer of Academic League, Science Olympiad clubs
  • 1st Place regional science fair, 3rd place state science fair (No ISEF, nothing spectacular here)
  • Attended COSMOS @ UCSD

Community Service:

  • Nursing Home (See above, ~300 hours).
  • Public Library, President of a club teaching chess/critical thinking to kids (~200 hours)
  • Musical outreach programs with symphony (~50 hours)

Medically related activities:
Nurse shadowing ~200 hours (At my nursing home activities)
Physician shadowing (kaiser permanente) ~ 20 hours
Research at UCSD ~ 180 hours
Research at The Scripps Research Institute ~ 320 hours

Applied to the following BS/MD Programs:

  1. Rochester - Rejected, No interview
  2. Case Western - Rejected, No interview
  3. RPI/AMC - Accepted, Interviewed, Accepted into program

Applied to the following undergraduate:

  1. UCD Regents, UCI Regents, UCSB Regents accepted
  2. UCLA/UCSD Accepted, awaiting regents notification
  3. Will update others


Scholarship / Aid: idk yet

It’s important to form connections. It’s easy to get upset that there’s people out there whose parents might work in a lab, or already have access to universities and research facilities, but it’s absolutely possible to find them on your own. I applied to a summer camp, COSMOS, at UCSD, met a professor and worked to show him I would be capable of continuing research into the school year. That’s where the majority of my application came from. I actually had 3 B’s, which is why I needed to try much harder on my ACT (I believe those two balanced out). We have some statistics from last year, which state that the 75th percentile is about a 2280, at least at RPI/AMC. Test scores don’t matter as much as extracurricular and a coherent application.

Write an essay that connects what you do, gives insight on why, and gives insight on you. I wrote (very summarized) how a personal disability made me unable to run track/play flute, but I felt like I lost very little, and realized I wasn’t using my time/knowledge for any purpose. So I composed music, and did research, and helped others to feel like I was doing something.

In order to connect your application like above, of course, you need to start early. If there’s any sophomores reading this right now, and who are decided on medicine, it’s important to start looking out there right away. Having this kind of coherence will also help in the interview, which at Albany Medical was a group session asking pretty tough questions, and then a one on one interview focusing more on your motivations and ethics. Having such a coherence in your application will help you answer these questions truthfully and honestly, which I believe pushed my application to get in.

TLDR Keep your grades/scores up, at least in the top 10%, and the rest is up to creating a coherent application that synthesizes your interests, how they relate to medicine, and how you took action to get there.

@moneyswag I’ve been accepted to RPI/AMC too!! looking for potential friends so keep me posted everybody :slight_smile:

GPA: 4.00 (UW)

Class Rank: School doesn’t rank, top 5%

ACT: Didn’t take

SAT: 1570 (780 English) (790 Math)

SAT Subject Tests:
Chem: 800
Lit: 750
Math II: 770

AP’s (at time of application)
APWH (5), APUSH (5), AP Seminar (5), AP Lang (5), AP Chem (4)

Senior Classes - AP Physics C, AP Calc BC, AP Macroeconomics, AP Literature, AP Research, AP Spanish

Teacher Recs: AP Chem teacher- really saw my growth throughout the year (Rate: 7) AP Lang teacher- knew me very well and is a really good writer (Rate 9) APUSH teacher- knew me for a few years and we had a good relationship
State: NY
Gender: F
Ethnicity: Asian
Income: >200k
Hooks: Grades, Essays, Music

Major ECs:

  • Research @ Mount Sinai Hospital
  • Tri-M Vice President (2 Years), NYSSMA All-County, Honors Orchestra
  • VP of Intercultural Unity Club
  • Varsity Fencing (4 years)

Community Service:

  • Doctors Office (60 hours)
  • Hospital (over 100 hours)

Medically related activities:

Physician shadowing
Research at Mount Sinai
Cath Lab and CCU Round Shadowing

Applied to the following BS/MD Programs:

  1. Drexel - Interviewed - Waiting
  2. GW - Rejected
  3. Hofstra - Interviewed - Accepted
  4. Stony Brook - Rejected

Will update others

Applied to the following undergraduate:

  1. Barnard College - Accepted
  2. Stony Brook Uni - Accepted
  3. Binghamton - Accepted
  4. Northeastern - Accepted
  5. Johns Hopkins - Rejected
  6. Northwestern - Rejected
  7. GW - Accepeted
  8. Macaulay Honors College at Hunter - Accepted
  9. Fordham Uni - Accepted

Will update others later


Scholarship / Aid: Presidential Scholarship (Decent Amount)


Make sure you have meaningful EC’s and things that you are genuinely passion about (i.e. music and fencing for me). Also spend time on your essays and make sure they bring your point across clearly and genuinely. Make sure you are very familiar with your app and “Why Med” before applying/interviews. Also start early! I waited very late to apply to some programs and I’m grateful that I still got into one. Be honest! Also keep your grades and test scores up! But most importantly, you have to be genuine. I believe my interview gave me an edge because of my honesty.

This process was insane but very worthwhile. I hope this helps and I’m excited that as of now, my future in medicine is set. Future applicants: good luck! But always remember, this is not the only way to reach the end game of becoming a physician if things don’t work out.

@Jise82938 Congrats on getting into Brown PLME! It would be appreciated if you could post stats here for future students.

Join the Hofstra BSMD facebook group!



Accepted to U of Miami HPM Program

ACT 35; SAT Math II 800 Chemistry 800 3.8 UW GPA 5 AP’s with one 4 and rest 5’s

@GreenPoison Didn’t let me post the link, but if you search Hofstra BSMD 2018 on FB it should pop up

Just received my last college decision today, so I’ll go ahead and post my stats. Disclaimer: I’m not bragging or trying to be obnoxious. I thought this would help all future BS/MD applicants. PM me with any questions. Enjoy!

GPA: 4.0 (UW), 4.63 (W)
Class Rank: 7/642

ACT: 35
Subscores: English (36), Reading (36), Math (35), Science (33), Writing (11)

SAT: 1550
Subscores: Math (800), Critical Reading + Writing (750), Essay (19)

SAT Subject Tests:
Math 2: 800
Biology: 800

AP’s (at time of application)
Calculus BC - 5
Chemistry - 5
English Language & Composition - 5
Psychology - 5
Biology - 4
Computer Science - 4
Physics 1 - 3 (didn’t submit)

Senior Classes: AP German, AP Music, AP Physics C: Mechanics/Electricity & Magnetism, AP Statistics, AP Economics, AP English Literature and Composition, Honors Anatomy & Physiology

Teacher Recs: Biology Teacher & English Teacher: Both knew me well, so I’d guess the letters were pretty strong.

State: PA
Gender: F
Ethnicity: Asian (Indian)
Hooks: Nothing (Several anti-hooks tbh)

Major ECs:

  • Neuroscience Club: Founder & President
  • Speech and Debate: Event Leader/Instructor for Summer Intensives
  • Key Club: Medicine Committee Member
  • Piano: Several National/Local Awards
  • Indian Classical Music: One big award (won’t state which one for privacy reasons)
  • National Honor Society
  • Science Honors Institute (won’t state which one for privacy reasons)
  • Genetics Conferences Series (won’t state which one for privacy reasons)

Medically Related Activities:

  • University of Pennsylvania Summer Medical Program
  • Physician Shadowing/Hospital Volunteering - ~400 hours
  • Cardiology Research - ~60 hours
  • Observation of Several Procedures

Applied to the following BS/MD Programs:

  1. Brown PLME - rejected RD
  2. Case PPSP - rejected pre-interview
  3. Drew BA/MD - 1st interview - 2nd interview - declined interview
  4. Drexel BS/MD - interview - ACCEPTED
  5. NJIT BS/MD - rejected pre-interview
  6. Penn State/Jefferson PMM - interview - ACCEPTED
  7. Pitt GAP - rejected pre-interview
  8. RPI/AMC - rejected pre-interview
  9. Temple PPHS - interview - ACCEPTED
  10. TCNJ BS/MD - rejected pre-interview
  11. Union/AMC - rejected pre-interview
  12. UMKC BS/MD - interview - waitlisted
  13. UToledo Bacc2MD - ACCEPTED
  14. W&J Med Scholars - 1st interview - 2nd interview - declined interview

(Admitted to all of the above undergraduate schools except Brown)

Applied to the following undergraduate schools:

  1. Carnegie Mellon - ACCEPTED
  2. Cornell - waitlisted
  3. Columbia - rejected
  4. Princeton - rejected
  5. UPenn - rejected

DECISION: Penn State/Jefferson PMM

Scholarship/Aid: $5000/yr for Schreyer Honors College

Really tired. Relieved. Super happy. GO NITTANY LIONS!

These posts are scaring me. I’m only a sophmore and I was considering applying to a combined program in a couple of years but now I know I have no shot. My tests scores will be about the same but my ECs don’t stack up at all since my lazy ass plays too much video games. This just shows how much the college admissions process can be chalked up to luck. There are 10-20 kids in my school each year who get into top 20 universities or top 10 liberal arts colleges and only one or two of them would be more qualified than you guys in my opinion.

Don’t worry @Max147

As a sophomore, your application isn’t close to being finished yet. I started most of my healthcare related EC’s my sophomore year, and there was more than enough time for me to make my application competitive.

As long as your test scores stay high, and your GPA is top 10% of your school, you should have a decent shot at multiple programs.

Posting results for DD

GPA: 4.0 (UW), 4.79 (W)
Class Rank: 1/400 ish

ACT: 36
Subscores: English (36), Reading (36), Math (36), Science (35), Writing (10)

SAT Subject Tests:
Math 2: 800
Chemistry: 770

AP’s (at time of application)
Calculus BC - 5
Calculus AB - 4
Chemistry - 4
English Language & Composition - 5
Biology - 4
Statistics - 4
US History - 3 (didn’t submit)

Senior Classes: AP Physics C: Mechanics, AP English Literature and Composition, AP Psychology, AP French, H Medical Interventions , Human Anatomy (college), Biomedical Ethics(college), Calculus 3 (college)

Teacher Recs: Biomed Teacher & English Teacher: I’d guess the letters were pretty strong.

State: mid west
Gender: F
Hooks: Nothing Major ECs:

  • Red Cross Club: Founder & President
    • HOSA leadership
  • Classical Dance
  • National Honor Society
  • Varsity Tennis
    • unique non academic honor (cant state for privacy)

Medically Related Activities:
-Research (200 hours) at local colleges
-Hospital volunteer (300 hours)
-Shadowing - 100 hours

Applied to the following BS/MD Programs:

  1. Brown PLME - rejected RD
  2. Case PPSP - rejected pre-interview
  3. Pitt GAP - rejected pre-interview
  4. RPI/AMC - interview - ACCEPTED
  5. NU HPME - interview - rejected
  6. Rice/Baylor - rejected pre-interview

Applied to the following undergraduate schools:

  1. UPenn - ACCEPTED
  2. MIT - waitlisted
  3. Columbia - waitlisted
  4. UChicago - waitlisted
  5. Dartmouth - waitlisted
  6. Cornell - waitlisted
  7. Northwestern -waitlisted
  8. Rice University - ACCEPTED($15k scholarship)
  9. Upitt - ACCEPTED (full tuition)
  10. UNC Chapel Hill - ACCEPTED (OOS)


Reflection: BS MD admissions are really random and the students applying should not keep high expectations even with stellar stats. If you went through this process in high school, you are already ahead of the game and well positioned for what’s to come in 3-4 years. Do not feel disheartened if you did not get into any programs and its not a reflection of your abilities. Keep working hard and success will follow. Good luck to everyone here and future applicants!!

@bsmdmom For the research experience, were there any paper publications?

Do not be afraid to take a chance…
As a sophomore, you have time
They want the speical person…so in addition to grades and either high SAt/ACT, one need to have something more

Sports- leadership
Talent- instrument, vocal- i was violin player and did musical all highschool
Humaniterian-like food kitchen read to blind, Bingo for old etc
or Research-hard for which serious NIH gambles on high school help-veryvery rare but if you can find one-this is great!!

Do not be afraid to take a shot

My DD’ is Sophomore…GPA : unweighted 4.0, weighted 4.9… top 1% ,
Clubs: Student coun, Autistic club, drug, alc awareness club,
Highschool gymnastic team
Voluteering at Local hospital
Accepted for summer research/leadership prog…at one of the cancer research intitute.
In Junior year… course schedule
Ap bio
Ap Chrm
AP US history
Ap lang

Goals to get in to BS/MD prog… east coast only
As a back up plan… get in to competitive school as Undergrad for Neuroscience/Molecular biology Major