<p>I'm a 24 year old second bachelors student wanting to do IE. In my first school, they didn't even have engineering (LA&S, I know), so I wasnt able to get any exposure to IE.</p>
<p>I would like your opinion in whether a BSIE or MSIE would be most beneficial. An MSIE would probably take 1 year less to complete, and would cost about $25,000 dollars less I estimate. A second bachelors student is eligible for government aid.</p>
<p>The prereqs to MSIE are Calc I-III and Physics. It seems like a much better deal in my situation because it takes less classes, will end up being less expensive, and they even offer online classes so I can work in the meantime.</p>
<p>However, if all employers prefer a Bachelors, and care nothing abouts MSIE students without a technical undergrad, then I'll do a bachelors. Let me know your thoughts.</p>