BSMD vs Traditional Path

@GoldenRock wrote
check SDN this year. There are 4 students who have 520+ MACT and have not got a SINGLE admission and going to reapply, including one student 4.0 gpa and 524 MCAT.

As per AAMC data, 12% ( Approximately 940) applicants with GPA >=3.8 and MCAT > 517 donot get any admissions via regular route MD. These 4 are probably those who did not have a good medical school application list or have some flag in their application.

UCR is for those that live in Inland empire. UCD has some preference for NorCal applicants.

Heard about that too. But being IS is still probably an advantage over OOS.


Not really for CA though it is true that student should focus on IS SOM for other states.
CA has a double whammy.

  1. Disproportionate number of highly competitive students due to biggest UG colleges and demographics of the population.
  2. Few CA SOM admission focus is unique, UCSF and UCLA T10 and admit highly accomplished and diverse students (not necessarily IS per se) and UCD has NorCal and UCR Inland Empire focus. That leaves only UCSD and UCI, you are talking 200 seats with CA IS students itself around 10000. That is why number of OOS students in other SOM in the entire country has the highest from CA.

Bottom line, with no disrespect for using this analogy.

Beggars can’t be choosers! It is true for CA Medical aspirants for the main pool (not outliers). So that is why try BS/MD or Regular MD and choose variety of colleges and don’t limit only CA SOM.

This thread is to debate BSMD vs traditional path not a place to advertise services. Please share your experiences first.

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Hi all,

My D is a rising senior and getting ready to apply for colleges in couple months.

We originally planned to apply mostly BS/MD schools and just couple of the traditional UG schools including the IS school. However, after the Covid19 and other current events, we will thinking about re-filter the list of BS/MD to take out schools that maybe too expensive to attend after the merit grants (we are not qualified for need-base grant). The magic number for us would be a little bit more than the cost of paying for IS school (25K+), so that would reduce a few more of the private schools that offer BS/MD(Union, Sienna, RPI, Penn State, Drexel).

We are still researching schools and merit scholarships. Our D may end up going to a traditional school, and we are OK with that , since we think that she will need to perform well in college and ace the MCAT to have a chance for med school anyway.


You shouldn’t be advertising here.

What about merit based scholarship (e.g.David Geffen Medical Scholarships) opportunity? Strong candidates from traditional route will have chance to enter a med school w full ride or w substantial fin support. Not sure if that will apply for BS/MD. ?


True, there are merit scholarship or no tuition medical schools. But those students credentials are extra ordinary and the number of such awards are small compared to the total matriculants. Nothing wrong to aim high as long as it is known it is a marathon and need lot of dedication and efforts.

In BS/MD also there are merit awards for the UG offered by few programs.

There are few and increasing (NYU, Kaiser etc
). Again it comes down to risk tolerance and some think finishing one or two years early will compensate for high cost of BSMD.