Bucknell vs. University of Miami

In terms of academic seriousness and selectivity , which school is looked upon with more respect by pre-professional schools and employers, Bucknell or University of Miami?

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Miami will be more known….a national name vs a strong regional name and some know it (Bucknell) nationally.

Define pre professional - are you saying for MBA or law school ?

No difference and the answer will be the same if it was Boise State and not Bucknell., Miami or Marist.

These are two different schools in many ways.

Choose the one you can best afford and then fits you personally better than the other.

Both will have certain majors of strength.

Good luck.

Ps - my kid goes to Bama and interned/roomed with with two Ga Tech people. He was invited back a second summer. They weren’t. He’s already interviewed with 14 companies and is in Wisconsin now interviewing with one in person tomorrow.

Not trying to brag but trying to show you the basis of the question - while I get everyone is into the pedigree thing - is wrong.

It’s about you as much as and typically moreso than the school, with some exceptions of course…


The one that accepts your kid and is affordable


gonna agree with the others- pretty equal schools academically. neither will open any doors automatically but neither will close them either. you can get wherever you want to go from either one.
I guess this is a hypothetical question since if you applied ED to either one you have committed to it. but if not- other factors will need to be weighed.

-weather matter to you?
-city with a lot of off-campus social life? or small town where life will be much more centered on campus?
-both D1 sports but I don’t think you can really compare the sports scenes. although Miami stadium is a bit of a trek away from campus, and Bucknell basketball is surprisingly good and often makes the NCAA tournament (to lose in round 1).

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By the Princeton Review’s methods, Bucknell received a selectivity rating of 94 and the University of Miami received a rating of 93 (on a scale of 60–99).

(Bucknell University - The Princeton Review College Rankings & Reviews, University of Miami - The Princeton Review College Rankings & Reviews)

These schools have a number of different characteristics. I would focus on fit.


Which pre-professional programs do you speak of?

I can speak of Bucknell because my son looked at it and I did too. It is one of the few smaller lib arts engineering programs on the east coast that fit his profile. Turns out it is a fine school with a hefty price tag. When we ran the NPC, it was the most expensive option for us along with Rose Hulman, which is a far superior program. It is also a niche school. So, if I may say this, no one picking up a resume would be wowed by that name, or Miami for that matter.

These schools are both great schools. They are similar in some ways, not so much in other ways…which makes sense as one is an LAC and one a university. Has your kid visited each? Seems like he would have a clear preference between the two after a visit.

Even though Miami’s acceptance rate is lower (19% vs Bucknell’s 32%) for Class of 2026, they are academic equals. What major is your kid considering?

Miami is much larger (12K vs 3.5K undergrads), and in a city vs. rural. Miami will have much more to do outside of the campus, warning: many of those off-campus activities cost $$$

Bucknell has a higher average starting salary $62K than the U’s $54K, but that can be misleading including the fact the U’s class is much larger.

Bucknell, as an LAC, has a better student:faculty ratio 9:1 vs the U’s of 13:1.

Both have a ‘bro’ culture with many affluent students. Partying/drinking is common at both, drug use more common at Miami. Bucknell’s greek life is more pervasive, Miami’s school spirit greater. Bucknell has not only a higher absolute number of athletes (surprisingly), but obviously a higher proportion of athletes, as it’s a much smaller school.

I generally am a big fan of LACs but Bucknell has to be a fit for the student. What kind of vibe is your student looking for?


Bucknell was on our shortlist during our search for our S22. IMO, Bucknell stands out as a small university or LAC that has both a strong undergrad business school and an undergrad school of engineering. At the time, our son was looking for a smaller school but not too small. Bucknell, at around 3500, is one of the larger private LACs in enrollment. Regionally Bucknell could make a difference in future employment, but I don’t think it would make a difference for graduate schools.

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Both provide excellent opportunities for students interested in pursuing advanced degrees. It is up to the student to stay focused on their goals or for the parent to realize those interests may evolve.

These are such different college experiences. Bucknell may be closer to other colleges he had in play. Did he end up EDing somewhere?

UMiami is generous with merit and has some great opportunities that other colleges struggle to compete with. The campus is a tropical oasis (but off campus housing may not be depending on the budget). Has he visited UMiami? I find kids are either all in or a firm no way. Many parents leave with concerns about safety and costs over 4 years. Miami has additional lifestyle expenses that other colleges may not have due to being in such an amazing city - they want to participate fully! And that can add up. Check on the housing promises for students, there was a shortage this past year and they are building more, but their options are expensive.

I think you will get a great education at both and both have great reputations. I know multilpe kids currently at both and all are happy. I visited both school’s with my son, class of 2021. He fell in love with Miami and wanted to ED2 there. I didn’t love it, didn’t feel like a college town to me and felt like he would be better suited to go there for grad school. On the other hand, I loved Bucknell and he hated it. Felt like it was in the middle of nowhere, with nothing much to do there. I wouldn’t let him ED2 to Miami and he got waitlisted there, even though his stats were totally on target to get in. He got into Bucknell before May 1, after initially getting waitlisted. He ended up at neither!

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If you would like to consider the University of Miami in terms of its peers, it may compare to schools such as Auburn, Southern Methodist University, Texas Christian University and Clemson.

Very consistent with my experience as well. There is no collegiate classic architecture on or in the immediate vicinity of campus. That was a major turn-off for me when I was a kid, and I was and am a HUGE Hurricanes fan.

As to the question, Miami is more selective and better academically than the average guy on the street tends to think, and the football program and it’s old rep as Sun Tan U are the likely reasons for that perception. And perceptions die hard. For the elite academic crowd, I’d guess a simple majority of them would favor Bucknell over UM.

As to which one will get you to professional school, of course both will. For that question, I’d be more interested in grade inflation or deflation at the respective schools, about which I’ve no idea.

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