buddy to lean on??

<p>So, most of my friends are going to state schools. Meaning that they already know where they're going and/or have been accepted to multiple schools already. I'm still waiting on 5...all on March 30th and I'm just honestly a little alone and feeling like nobody around me understands the situation and how incredibly anxious/stressed I am.
So if anybody wants to AIM me and obsess with me or become distracting buddies to make the time pass...
my SN is chhstigress</p>

<p>:) Gladly.</p>

<p>get this: nobody in my school is applying to an ivy league except for me.</p>

<p>I wouldn't mind support as well.</p>

<p>AIM: habibelay</p>

<p>I'm one of two people applying OUT OF STATE from my school, and certainly the only Ivy.</p>

<p>AIM: hillier11
MSN: <a href="mailto:s_thompsonhillier@hotmail.com">s_thompsonhillier@hotmail.com</a></p>

<p>Feel free to add me.</p>

<p>I'm probably one of two who applied to truly selective colleges....and certainly the only one who applied to an Ivy.</p>

<p>I gave my old AIM name, habit. In case you were VERY concerned, my AIM is mrdarcy11</p>

<p>I want some lovin' too!</p>

<p>Nobody from my school has ever applied to an Ivy, ever...then this year, I do, and some other guy applies to Princeton!</p>


<p>I'd offer you a hug, Divanny, but since we've never met or spoken, I think that'd be a little forward.</p>

<p>"Forward" would mean using a super cheesy line like this - I have amnesia and I lost my phone number. May I have yours?</p>

<p>:) Fair enough. <em>hug</em></p>

<p>haha my situation is the exact opposite of the OP's. March 30th is gonna be a HUGE day at my school, everyone's waiting for the Ivies.</p>

<p>I wouldn't mind some emotional support either :p Everyone in my school expects me to get into an Ivy, and the pressure is driving me crazy.</p>

<p>SN: wintergirl28</p>

<p>Hillier...mrdarcy as in THE Mr. Darcy? lol I'm obsessed with Pride and Prejudice. Mr. Darcy is such a hot studmuffin.</p>

<p>feel free to im me at rhapsodynshadow. I can always use another excuse to procrastinate my english paper. We only have about 15 out of 822 seniors applying to top tier schools (I'm including Cornell, NW, Duke, JHU etc.) but I have classes with all of them. next week is going to be horrible.</p>

<p>wrathofgod, i'm right there with you. everyone. and i literally mean everyone is waiting on HYP and the others.</p>

<p>Hmmm. We had two ivy applicants this year. One was a girl who probably has no chance, who applied to Harvard (she's ranked 58/528) and me.</p>

<p>eek, next week should be interesting. it's the week after spring break and I have a field trip (first one in 2 years!) and i'm just getting nervous....:P</p>