Buisness Schools ranked based on Peer Assessment


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I was able to see the top 10. Seems reasonable.

  1. Penn-Wharton

  2. MIT

  3. UCal-Berkeley

  4. Michigan-Ross

  5. NYU-Stern

  6. UTexas at Austin

  7. CMU-Tepper

  8. Cornell

  9. UNC

  10. Virginia-Darden

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Is the a reason you’re posting links to many USNews rankings that have been available to everyone for months?

'11 IU

'12 Emory, ND, USC(Cali), WUSL

'16 Georgetown, OSU, Wisconsin

'19 GT, UIUC, UMD, Minnesota, Washington

'24 ASU, BC, MSU, PSU, Purdue, Texas A&M, UF, UGA

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7-10 are actually 7 according to the ranking.

I noticed when I put in the 11-24s, I originally had them one per line and had them numbered with repeat numbers, but the post would automatically renumber 11-31. Only way I could get it to stop that was with the '. Frustrating.

Read about how this list arrives at their rankings. They ask a relatively small number of professors.