Anyone see where to get any outside bumper sticker for Wharton or the University of Pennsylvania?
Anyone see where to get any outside bumper sticker for Wharton or the University of Pennsylvania?
@Much2learn - Is there any sort of outside bumper sticker ? I feel like I have seen a Wharton one in person before, but I can’t find it online.
I would call the Penn Bookstore. They may have one that is not online.
And while you’re at it, see if they have any “UPenn” bumper stickers.
[Sorry, couldn’t resist. ]
@45 Percenter This is the closest I could find. A UPen (sic) bumper sticker. Worth checking out. This would really have some people cringing.
@Much2learn Love the “Pen” one. I’ve always felt that the extra “n” was a bit redundant and unnecessary. Plus, you get that whole double-entendre thing going with a pen, writing, a university, etc.