Bus to Gainesville from Clearwater/Tampa area?

<p>Recently got into a car accident and I'm trying to see if there is any transportation system that helps students and nonstudents get from the Tampa area to Gainesville. Any information will be greatly appreciated!</p>




<p>Did you find a way to get from UF to Tampa? Is there any transportation service?</p>

<p>I saw you post from last year. Were you able to get transportation to & from the Tampa area into Gainesville?
We are waiting to hear from UF for my daughter & wanted to see our options of getting her back & forth.

<p>only option for tampa is greyhound. iā€™m not really sure why.</p>


<p>[Luxury</a> Bus to Miami, Orlando, Tampa, Tallahassee, Gainesville | Red Coach USA](<a href=ā€œhttp://www.redcoachusa.com/]Luxuryā€>http://www.redcoachusa.com/)</p>

<p>Not the cheapest but the buses are very nice !</p>