Business Economics and Public Policy major?

I was hoping someone could fill me in on this major. I was finishing up my Common App and noticed it when I was picking my secnd choice for a degree if I didn’t get picked for my first one. Does anyone have any info on it? Is it a good program and worth taking? I plan to apply for the economics program, but this one caught my interest. I’m also an eager 2018 Fall transfer.

Okay so I can answer this question because this is my major in the business school :slight_smile: I’m going to answer your question in two parts. First, I’m going to explain why you should matriculate into the business school. Secondly, I’m going to directly answer your question and describe the major. So there are different schools at George Washington: Elliott School of International Affairs, School of Media and Public Affairs, Columbian College of Art & Science, School of Engineering and the School of Business. The Business Economics and Public Policy major is concentration in the school of business. The business economics and public policy major is one of the different majors under the Bachelor’s of Business Administration. So you know how there’s the M.B.A, M.A and M.S? The B.Ba, the B.S and the B.A are all undergraduate versions of those. Speaking to the magic of GWSB, we have a whole separate career center and pretty much every weekend we have recruiters from many companies setting up small booths in Duques Hall to network with students. In your Career Management BADM 3001 course, there are a few days where companies just come in to talk to students and exhibit career opportunities. See the huge advantage you get as a business student is that you have a whole career center dedicated to helping you find a good job in corporate America and that you have recruiters coming onto campus such as during the two big job fairs at the beginning of each semesters. Seriously, knowing how to network and take advantage of on campus recruiting is a thousand times better than just trying to submit your resume and profile online. A lot of students refer to the latter as the dreaded 'black box" process. For example, if you’re applying to Morgan Stanley your resume may never actually get read if you merely apply online. But if you come and talk to the Morgan Stanley recruiters at GWSB’s job fair then you have a chance to directly engage with recruiters and present your story and profile. That’s essentially what you’re paying all this money for…instead of just having to apply to top firms such as PwC, Deloitte, etc. via filling an online application you have these companies come to George Washington so that you can talk to them. George Washington Business is a top 30 school for undergrad, so the recruiting here is damn good and students really do end up going to an m7 for grad school. The M7 schools are the top 7 graduate schools for business: Harvard, Stanford, Wharton, Chicago, Columbia, Northwestern and MIT.

So now let me explain what the business economics and policy major is like. First and foremost, I am a senior earning a B.Ba with a concentration in business economics and public policy. I have always been concerned about policy regulation in both the private and public sector and I have always been keen on and felt passionate about burgeoning economics issues. I have the subscription to the Economist, btw. Anyways, I decided to pursue a concentration in business economics and public policy at the George Washington School of Business large in part because of George Washington’s location, reputation and the quality of the program. Washington D.C is of course a government town and I noticed that George Washington University was really at the epicenter of D.C… As a student majoring in business economics and public policy, I feel closer to and more connected to these issues than ever. Now what is the workload like? The course load in the business school is honestly quite difficult but it’s also incredibly rewarding. As a business school student majoring in economics and public policy you’re going to have to take some really tough courses that will really force you to commit to studying for long stretches. The toughest courses in my opinion are BADM 3501 Financial Management & Markets, BADM 3601 Operations Management, Survey of Global Public Health and Intermediate Microeconomics. These are courses where you’re going to have to sit down, even if you’re a brilliant student, and think the long hard thoughts. It’s not for everyone and I would definitely say business economics & public policy is a major for the more motivated students at George Washington but it will seriously open up lucrative opportunities. If you just want to come to George Washington to have fun on weekends, take a lot of pictures on Instagram and make some friends and get a decent job and stuff then do not pick this major. If you’re interested in becoming an agent of change in the world and developing a rewarding and high-paying career that you’re passionate about then pick this major or at the very least come to the business school. If you’re interested in going to an Ivy league graduate school then pick this major and come to the business school.

Oh and here’s a link to the courses you have to take

@Ganjagodgrizzly1994 Wow, you couldn’t have explained that any more perfectly. I sincerely appreciate your help! You’ve made me so much more interested in it as a major.