Business freshman at CPP consider transferring out to CC, then to UC. Help is appreciated

I made a post a few months ago about my situation and how I’ve considered transferring out. I’m currently a business admin student and I have taken ENG 110 (GE/Major Support), MAT 125 (GE/Major Support), CIS 101 (CPP Graduation requirement) and I’m currently taking HRT 255 (GE Area E), FRL 201 (Core Class), ENG 130, and ECON 201. I haven’t decided on what classes I’m taking yet next quarter since I haven’t committed to anything yet but have been recommended.

My experience here at CPP have been really bland.I just go to class and eat at LO. Clubs aren’t that prominent other than Greek life (I’m not into partying). There isn’t much sense of a community/pride since it’s a commuter school and sports teams aren’t D1-level so they don’t get as recognized like UCs. I guess the only really interesting thing about the campus is the BRIC, but working out isn’t my thing. My peers aren’t as intelligent as I expected (my residence hall average GPA was a 2.9 last quarter. I had a 3.85 which is sad since we took 12 quarter units and they were GEs). Also, the few friends I made here feel as disappointed about this school and my roommate happened to have transferred out 3 weeks ago since he strives on going to SLO/Berkeley.

All the advisers I’ve talked to haven’t been very encouraging/much help to me. When I talked with the first adviser in December, I signed up for the 4-year pledge, so that I could graduate ASAP. He provided me a 4-year graduation plan which is pretty inaccurate because there were a few classes that I was exempt from due to AP credit and there was also a class on my planner that isn’t taught anymore. I went to another adviser earlier this month and told her about the mistakes on my planner, so that she could revise it. I also told her about my transfer consideration, but she was passive aggressive about it and questioned why I would want a 4-year planner if I planned on transferring. I haven’t never committed to anything yet and I just wanted to look at all my options. I went to a different adviser today since registration was soon and wanted to talk over my options. Apparently, my second adviser never saved the planner into the system, so we had to go over what my classes were for Spring Quarter. She recommended ACC207/207A (Core), TOM 301 (Core), IBM (301), GE A1, but I heard that if I took too many Upper-Division level classes, I wouldn’t be able to attend UCs, which is why I’ve been reluctant to choose my classes. I told this adviser about my transfer consideration to a UC, but her response was that I would finish this quarter at CPP and do nothing at all for 2-3 months until summer/fall since my CC is on the semester system. She told me this because apparently, my CPP credits would not transfer to UCs, but I thought that my CPP credits would transfer to CC and then those credits would transfer to UCs. This is understandable since my core classes are different than those in UCs, but if I took GEs, wouldn’t they transfer?

The UCs I’ve been considering are UCB and ideally, UCI for business admin, but I heard it was like a 6% acceptance rate. I was also wondering if it’s possible to TAG still in my situation and only be at my CC for one year, which means that I would change my major to business econ since business admin is excluded from TAG at UCI and I could also try for business econ at UCLA. I’ve tried contacting the admission office at my CC and the lady just told me the registration process and that I could speak with a counselor on Walk-in Wednesday, but I wouldn’t be back in town until spring break in 6 weeks, which will be far after my Spring Quarter registration at CPP. Thanks for taking your time to reading this and I would appreciate any advice/help.

You should find out what your taken courses at CPP are convertible to in the CC system and what UC credit you can get. Converting CSU courses to UC can be a challenge. You might have to contact the interested UC admissions. I know of students transferring from a UC to a CC and then to a different UC without having to make up additional GE requirements. Good luck!

Thanks for the reply. I was able to use for some help. Wouldn’t CSU credits that are transferable from CSU to CC like GEs be transferable to UCs since it’s going from CSU to CC then to UC? I talked to one of the CPP advisers and she told me to just stop coming to CPP after this quarter and wait until summer/fall to attend CC since she said that my CSU credits wouldn’t transfer to UC, but I plan on converting the credits to CC which I find strange since I can’t just not go to school for 3 months and do nothing.

CC credits alone transferable to CSU’s may not necessarily be transferable to UC’s. Therefore, CSU credits transferable to CC may not be transferable to UC’s. I believe just CC credits alone transferable to UC’s are generally transferable to CSU’s. It works this way because UC transferable courses are generally more rigorous than CSU transferable courses. You should check with the CC advisers. That is why the adviser suggested you not enroll at CPP if your intent is to go to a UC via the CC route.