Buying a new calc

<p>Where can we find what our math professor wants/recommends for a calc?</p>

<p>I'm going into finance so I was just going to buy a TI-89, but I wasn't sure if professors prefer a certain calc like they would in HS</p>

<p>I doubt they care.</p>

<p>Probably not, but it would stink to spend $140 and then have to switch around and buy a new one. Also, some calculators can't be used on exams because they can be programmed/give answers and formulas. </p>

<p>The TI-89 is usually on that list... so I guess my primary concern would then be; do they supply calculators for people to use on tests?</p>

<p>I would wait until the first day of school when they tell you everything you will need.</p>

<p>For math classes you aren't allowed to use a calculator. It's not as bad as it sounds, so don't freak out like I did when I learned that. Most engineering students have a graphing calculator of some sort. I haven't heard of any professors caring what kind though.</p>

<p>tks for the reply, interestingly enough I did just receive an email from my professor who said he could care less about what calculator you buy because of the fact that you can't use them on midterms or exams.</p>