buying dress clothes for boys

I say you take advantage of the post Black Friday deals to get something for yourself. :smiley:

We bought a pair of dresspants on sale for ds in August during Nordstrom’s big sale but left them unhemmed for growth, figuring we will hem them in the winter (now!). We thought we were so smart. They will STILL need to be returned as they are too small.

Too much (thanksgiving) pi increases your circumference. :smiley:
S1 finally started lateral growth. I have to get him the same size jeans/pants again as I had his pants tailored, about 4 pairs, reduced waist by 1.5 inches. Now he can wear them not altered but the alterations are not reversible.

A question for you all: do your sons know how to go into a department store and pick out dress clothes for themselves? My 8th grader recently asked me why his friends like hanging out at the mall, and I realized that we rarely shop in stores, let alone him being able to pick out clothes on his own if he had to. Everything he wears is dress clothes that I bought, usually on line (for school visits) or athletic-type gear (every other day of the year). He may or may not know what size he wears and hates to shop. He will literally pick up a shirt off the top of a pile and say “this is fine” without even unfolding it. I’m laughing thinking of him going on a weekend trip to the mall when he desperately needs something. Tying a tie on his own – I’m saving that for post-M10. Is he typical?

Based on my own observations of pre-teens and teens, hanging out at the mall often has little to do with clothes shopping, especially for boys. :slight_smile:

LOL. Totally. Thank heaven the government is dressing my kid these days or he’d be wearing (mismatched) flip-flops to drill. In winter.

@CTMom21 My son cannot shop for his own clothes. In 8th grade, for my son, hanging out in the mall was about freedom, food, window shopping sneakers and sports team baseball hats, and hanging w the guys. There was probably some girl watching involved too. :wink:
In 8th grade, for my daughter, hanging out in the mall was about freedom, food, trying on a million outfits and getting free Sephora makeovers. There was probably some boy watching involved too. :wink:

Also, tying a tie on his own somehow magically happened at school in September…

There’s a children’s book about a cat that eats at everyone’s house, and each house thinks it is “their” cat until he gets ill and is taken to the vet by every house and is exposed by the vet.

Reading these posts makes me wonder if the kid I have been feeding is also frequenting each of your homes, and he’s just been exposed by his inability to clothe himself. …