Buying Mastering Physics and ESPM 50AC material


<p>I am a new student so I don't know where else to post. I need a mastering physics subscription and I don't want to buy it online for $50 because I am on a very very tight budget. I would really appreciate it if someone can sell a new subscription of mastering physics to me for a lesser price. I also need two of the ESPM 50 AC Spring readers. I really don't care if they are old and beat up and used. I really cannot afford the original price.</p>

<p>Thanks so much. If you can provide me with some information about where to get these materials for a cheaper price, please feel free to privately send me a message.</p>

<p>check or facebook marketplace. You can buy it for around $15-30. also, check the ReUSE Free Reader event at lower sproul on monday across from the cal1card office. there were A LOT of readers and espm50 could be one of those!</p>