Bypassing English requirement w/ AP World History?

<p>As a pre-med/engie student, can I bypass my rudimentary English requirement with my 4 on last year's AP World History test, and a possible 4 or 5 on this year's AP Government test? I took the AP English Literature test, and it was hard as balls. Definitely didn't get more than a 2.</p>

<p>I hate English. It's my worst subject, and getting it out of the way will make things a bit easier (and cheaper) for me.</p>

<p>Nothing to say? No one has ever tried to do this before?</p>

<p>Sorry, but I don't think there is any way this will work. UM only gives English credit for 5s on the AP English tests. I don't know if you've seen this, but here is a chart of their AP equivalencies.</p>

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