<p>hey guys its me again...the neophyte programmer...well i picked up c++ and have been reading up on it and have found that it can be one of the most frustrating things ever! neways can someone tell me why this program wont run its basic as hell....it says there is sumthing wrong with line 10...the first cout....</p>
<p>// program that converts F to C</p>
<h1>include <iostream></iostream></h1>
<h1>include <string></string></h1>
<p>float degreesF;
float degreesC;
cout << "Enter degrees in Farenheit: ";
cin >> degreesF;
float degreesC = (degreesF * (5.0 / 9.0) - 32.0;
cout << "the degrees in Celsius is: ";
<< degreesC;
return (0);