<p>I just received an email notifying me that I received the Cal Grant B award of $1,473. I will be attending a CCC in August (1st year/Freshman), and as far as I know this will not pay for my tuition fees... JUST books/supplies/living expenses. Also, that in order for me to receive my money I need to go to the CCC I applied to and they will hand me the money.</p>
<p>What I want to know is if I will be receiving this money every month, semester, or year? And when I can retrieve the money?</p>
<p>You might also be eligible for a waiver of fees, depending on your income. You should contact your community college financial aid office and ask them about any aid/grants you might be eligible for in addition to the Cal Grant B. (You can ask them about disbursement of the Cal Grant B monies at the same time.)</p>
<p>In the meantime, perhaps this link will help you:</p>
<p>[California</a> Community Colleges | College Scholarships, Loans & Grants | I Can Afford College](<a href=“http://www.icanaffordcollege.com/]California”>http://www.icanaffordcollege.com/)</p>
<p>I will be applying for the BOGFW, so I hope I am eligible
Btw, I did contact my community financial aid office and they told me that the Cal Grant B disbursements are per semester. </p>
<p>Thank you very much!</p>
<p>Good luck with the BOGFW - hope you qualify!</p>