Cal poly and sports

does anyone know about athletic recruitment at cal poly? do they give full scholarships also?

Cal Poly does offer full scholarships, but I have no idea how many or for which sports.

We had an All-State running back given a full ride to Cal Poly back in 2014. He was a high GPA kid who would have gotten into their Engineering school on academics alone, so I do not know how much leeway they make for athletes academically.

was he in state or out of state? @AMCdad

Cal Poly is a D1 school, so if they offer scholarships, they will be full for the 6 sports that require that. Most sports are equivalency sports, and scholarships are split between many athletes.

do you kno bout there athletic recruitmment @twoinanddone

Have you been in contact with any SLO coaches?

Information on some athletic recruits 2017:

i plan on getting in contact after my junior season or maby during. i just wanna know what admissions are like for an athlete who is being recruited. @Gumbymom

It very much depends on the sport. Cal Poly sports play in a lot of conferences, are very good in some sports and just average in others. Scholarships may be offered in some sports and not in others. Some athletes are also top students and some may struggle with a STEM school’s academics. Contacting the coaches early is almost always better than late. Some sports may not allow recruiting before Sept 1 of your junior year, but the athlete can always send in a recruiting questionnaire (found on the athletic dept page) or send coaches emails. Ask your current coaches if they know anyone at the schools you are interested in. If you play a fall sport, it is very important to get the coaches to look at you as a junior as all the spots could be gone before you are a senior.

Don’t limit yourself to one school, one team if you really want to play.

@twoinanddone cal poly is my main school. i plan on contacting during my junior year cause my last two seasons i haven’t accomplished to much but this is the year lol. do you think cal poly is a long shot though if my athletic ability is good but im just a average student(say a 3.3 gpa) and that the coaches are recruiting me heavily.

It depends on the sport, your position, their need at that position and the rest of your MCA. I’m not certain, but I suspect that coaches can give a little nudge to your MCA. Your choice of major will be important too.

@eyemgh so i read that for extra Curriculars it only accounts for 10 percent of the admission score at cal poly. so does that mean if im a recruited athlete it wouldnt matter?

also i either wanna be a art major or a agriculture major

That can count as your EC, along with other things you do. What I don’t know for sure is whether or not there is a hidden bump for recruited athletes in the MCA, and if so, how much. In the original 2013 presentation on the MCA, that we assume, but can’t know for sure, is still accurate today, there’s no mention of athletes.

The selectivity of the major you choose can vary greatly. For example, Animal Science is pretty selective, whereas Dairy Science isn’t. I’ll link the projections for next year below.

would it be smart call and ask? @eyemgh

Admissions won’t acknowledge the MCA even exists per se. You could ask the coaches though if your recruitment gets you any admission advantages. The bottom line is, do anything you can between now and applying to max your MCA, choose your major wisely, and hope for the best. Good luck!

At most public schools, athletes are given a big bump in admissions. The school will have a minimum, and the coach won’t be able to guarantee you admission into aerospace engineering or musical theater if those majors require certain stats or an audition, but as long as the athlete meets the NCAA minimums and the school minimum, he is in. However, a LOT depends on how much the coach wants you. If he’s got 10 other guys going for your position, he’s not going to push for you that hard with admissions. Coaches prefer athletes who can do the academic work without struggling because those students are going to miss class, have to study on road trips, going to have to do extra work on their own. If it’s between a good student and a so-so student, the coach is going to go with the better student.

@twoinanddone, that is the typical big D1, recruited athlete story, but not always the case. At Cal for example, even for football and basketball, the floor for GPA and test scores is substantially higher than the NCAA minimum. They are always at a disadvantage when it comes to recruiting based solely on athletic prowess. I suspect Cal Poly gives a MCA bump and that on the student’s merit WITH the MCA bonus, they still have to make the MCA cutoff for their desired major. That’s purely conjecture on my part though.

im at the ncaa minimum. at capolywhatare he minimum doy know? @eyemgh

I SERIOUSLY doubt that. The NCAA minimum is fungible, but in rough terms the minimum is 2.3 GPA and 900 2 section SAT.

I don’t know where the CP minimum is for athletes, but less than 0.5% of students admitted last year had individual SAT scores in the 400-499 range, and no one had a GPA below 3.0.

my spelling was kind of messed up my bad stupid android haha thank you for the help?