Cal Poly SLO Admits by Major

Several serial posters in the know have referenced admission rates by major and linked to “Projections”. Ex. Philosophy at 58%, however the linked document shows more like 21%. Can anyone comment and reference any clear material data on actual admissions by major? Ex. where does Niche get their data?

Junior S MCA ~4500 in CLA trying to determine best route to admission, ie, Philosophy, English, Poly Sci, Other.

SAT 1460 (720/740/21Essay)

Are you talking about this information?:

I would think that the info provided by the university in the link far outweighs anything seen on a third-party website.

Here is the very general Freshman profile for the Fall 2017 admits:

The projections show the number of slots they would like to fill (FTF Target) and how many applicants they expect for those slots (FTF Apps). They have to accept more than they will admit though because not everyone who gets in will attend. The percentage of those who are accepted who actually matriculate is called yield. There is a yield number for each major, each year, but I’ve never seen it published. For the whole university it hovers around 33%. That’s how the 21% turns into 58%, roughly 3 times.

Now, there’s two potential problems with your approach. One, if he’s equally interested in several majors, that’s fine. If he’s looking to get into the easier admit to switch to the harder admit, he might be disappointed. They use original admission stats in calculating the potential to change majors. Two, we don’t know how strong each pool is. It’s very possible that a major that admits a higher percentage of its applicants (i.e. Is less selective) actually has a higher MCA cutoff and is thus harder to get into. Aerospace Engineering admits more of its applicants than Psychology, but I’d almost guarantee the MCA cut would always be higher for Aerospace.

Hope that helps.

Any way of gauging MCA cutoffs by major? Ex, ~4400 in a liberal arts category?

@bigfandave, look up the Final Status and Class of… threads from the last few years and use the search function for the majors you’re looking for. That’s about the best you can hope for. Good luck!

Yep, thanks. Was looking for vaunted MCA stars, ie, Banda by major or even bands by college, ie liberal arts avg MCA or quartiles were 3959-4250. Thanks.