Cal Poly SLO chances?

Senior in HS right now in California
3.8 unweighted 3.86 weighted
Highest Math SAT 710
Highest R/W SAT 620
Superscore 1330 SAT
Highest individual 1290
Intended major Accounting
What are my chances of getting into Cal Poly SLO as a freshman?

SLO uses 9-11th grades (capped weighted with up to 8 semesters of extra honors points). They also use an MCA point calculation so you should post your MCA score.

See post #52

Can you help me calculate my MCA score I have no idea how to…?

It’s explained on Page 4 of the pinned MCA thread at the top.

Dooh! @Gumbymom already linked it. That. :smiley:

I would say your chances are fairly decent. While your statistics may be a bit below the average from previous years, remember that this is only an average! I would recommend using the link posted above to calculate your MCA score however. It definitely gave me a better idea when I was still applying to Cal Poly! Best of luck!