Cal Poly SLO Pro's and Con's

I’m trying to decide which college I want to attend. I’m weighing out the good and bad of every college. I got accepted to SLO and will be majoring in Child Development with the goal of a teaching credential. I have visited once and thought it was nice. What are some of the good and bad factors?

CP SLO has lots of pros and not many cons… not sure what your other options are but, you are unlikely to regret going to SLO; especially since you like the campus an the area.
What are your reservations?

Off the cuff.

Great academics, new Dining Center, new recreation facility, new dorms, near beach and really nice town. Learn by doing.

Not close to major urban areas, like the SF Bay Area or SoCal. This could be both a positive and negative, depending on your point of view. I’ve heard that parking is terrible and the library will be undergoing a renovation. School doesn’t sound very “rah rah.”