Cal Poly SLO Transfer Thread for Fall 2021

@cazzer65 - You need to drive down to your son’s workplace, steal him real quick & bring that boy home.



GPA: 3.71
Applied major: Forest and Fire Science
IGETC: finished by end of spring (current) semester
Golden 4: AABA
Required courses (transfer selection criteria: all completed
Desired courses: one completed
Local: no, Santa Cruz county
Work: 21+ major related
EC: 11 hrs no leadership positions.

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Remember to please list your Stats with your decisions so next year applicants can weigh them.

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Aggghhhh! Ha!

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hopefully im so scared now


Major: Psychology
GPA: 4.0
Local: No
AS-T: No
Pre-reqs: Done, but 4 of them are in progress (which I really thought might hurt me)
Golden Four: IP, AP Credit, A, A
IGETC: Complete, but missing CSU history requirement
Work related to the major: 20 hours a week


where my decision cal ply hopefully at midnight! ahahahah!!

me too… I’m just going to be really disappointed if I don’t get in :frowning: but sometimes thats how it goes! Good luck

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same to you but ill let u know

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I’ll let you know if I hear anything too

Ya with pretty average stats too. I am not local and my golden 4’s were all B’s with a pass as well. 3.1 GPA HAHA!! Feeling lucky. Ya if ur looking for a housing buddy reply with ur snap username bro

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Nothing from Business Admin major.): I am wondering if it is because I didn’t take calculus 2. I saw on that you only need calculus 1. Does anybody know? I’m panicking right now.

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No for me it just said congratulations with a short message. And then a button that leads you to the portal.

I’m taking calculus 2 and got in for bizadmin, but for what it’s worth, there’s someone up there who didn’t take either and took just business calc and got in.

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Just got my acceptance!

GPA: 4.0
Major: Business Administration
IGETC: completed before spring
Golden 4: AAAA
Local: No, Sonoma County
Work: 21+ hours a week and atleast 25% major related
EC: 15+ hours with Leadership positions


So if I don’t have a decision right now does that mean I’m denied?

Maybe they’re just releasing it slowly, I haven’t seen too many business/econ notifs yet but you should be okay

No it doesn’t, decisions are rolling!

I just checked for my CC and it seems business admin doesn’t require calc 2 since it’s in the “other courses”. I suppose it would look good if taken but not required!

when do you expect the next wave to be?