Cal Poly SLO Transfer Thread for Fall 2021

I got into Cal Poly SLO for Fall 2020.

Ask any questions - The Supplemental application is incredibly important to fill out correctly. It will be released in January & due January 31st.

Decisions came out March 16th even though they say April 1st.
Acceptance Rate for Business Transfers was 8%.

Major: Business Administration
GPA: 3.73
AS-T: Yes
Pre-reqs: None remaining after applying in November
Golden Four: A, A, A, A
Local: No
21+ hours of work/volunteer hours per week
Leaderships positions: Yes

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What is the supplemental application? This is the first we’ve heard of it. I thought it was odd the main application only wanted some grades and a total number of activity hours but not specifics. Will the supplemental allow us to add my daughter’s specific clubs and activities?
She has a 3.85 unweighted and a 4.3 weighted
NO SATs since all three times she signed up were cancelled
Over 30 hours a week of activities and volunteering all 4 years.
Out of State
Parks Recreation and Tourism major (hopefully!)
Thanks for any advice you have!

@Mimi1977: You have posted on the SLO transfer discussion. Transfer students have to fill out a supplemental in January for their Fall Quarter/Semester grades.

As a Freshman applicant, the supplemental does not apply. Cal Poly SLO is only interested in the a-g courses, grades, EC hours, Leadership and job hours that are major related.

Transfers - Cal Poly has been putting out a lot of YouTube videos about many topics under "Cal Poly Admissions"

Students make the videos about:

  • Specific Majors
  • Financial Aid
  • How to navigate their website, etc.

Also, be on the look-out for the Supplemental Application at the beginning of January. It’s a complicated Supplemental that will come with its own instructions. Make sure to follow those instructions perfectly. Reach out if you get stuck - Don’t guess & wing it.

Has anyone heard anything about the supplemental application? A counselor at my CC told me Cal Poly had cancelled it this year.

I was wondering the same exact thing. They probable did cancel it, but I’m not too sure.


I spoke to Cal-Poly Admissions on 1/8/2021. There will be no Supplemental Application this year.

Instead, you will receive an email instructing you to go into your Cal State Apply & update your courses. The email will direct you regarding other required information.

Cal State Apply <<--------- Link

Official date for decisions is April 1st… But last year decisions came out on March 16th.

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Does anyone know how early Cal Poly has released decisions in the past? I’ve seen February, March, April.

last year they released on March 16th, not sure about previous years.

Hey everyone! Haven’t seen many posts this year compared to prior years but the anticipation is killing me! I saw other CSU’s have been releasing decisions already however I don’t know if that will be the case for poly. Regardless, good luck to everyone!

which CSU’s have you seen that have been releasing early? I know my daughter got into CSU Chico about a month ago and I thought it was so strange to hear so early…but holding out for SDSU and Cal Poly…good luck everyone!!

Same. I already got accepted into sac state. Havent heard from fullerton, sdsu, csulb, cal poly slo yet

I have seen CSULB and CSUF! (:

same i got accepted into csulb for history :smiley: wooooooot im going there baby wooooot!!!

39% admission rate incredible. so proud of my hard working, determination, and gpa. :smiley: im too humbled but hope to meet great people and amazing professors. and great classes.

Wow thats awesome congratulations!! :smile:

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Hey everyone! I know some CSUs have released admissions just wondering if anyone has heard anything from SLO yet? I know it’s very early but was just wondering!


SLO is very independent from other CSU’s. SLO did not follow others last year as COVID began disrupting everything.

When CSU’s extended their deadline to accept offers of admission, SLO kept their original deadline of May 1st.

When CSU’s offered deferment of admission due to COVID, SLO refused to offer deferment & told everyone they’ll have to apply next year if they don’t take the offer.

Most CSU’s, you can apply to attend in Spring, but with SLO, you can only apply for Fall.

SLO is the only CSU on the Quarter system & all other CSU’s are on the semester system.

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Here are last year’s release dates for acceptance for the colleges I applied to.


  • East Bay 1/11
  • Sac State 2/17
  • San Jose State 2/21
  • SF State 2/25
  • Chico State 3/2
  • Cal Poly SLO 3/16


  • Davis 4/16
  • Berkeley 4/17
  • Santa Barbara 4/22
  • Riverside 4/23

When do you think cal poly slo willl release their admissions? This anticipation is killing me! It’s like a massive reward i’m trying to fulfill! Gah!!! So i have to wait till 3/16 this year! God damnit sdsu and cal poly slo are one in the same!!!